what/who got you into black metal?


something witty & clever
Apr 3, 2002
Oslo, Norway
ok metalheads!
I know it's pretty standard, but I really don't care:

what/who got you into black metal?

In '94/'95 I went to school with Ancients original singer/drummer Grimm. The first time I ever heard true black metal was through him and Ancient. In early '95 I also co-produced their Trolltaar EP, which was my first real studio production as well.
Venom in '86-'87 i think. i have older cousin who listen Venom and other metal bands. but i don't like Venom :lol: then i bought Samael and their "Worship Him". yeah, it was much better, but in fact just Darkhrone and "A Blaze..." crushed my head and i became felt in love with black :grin:
well, I woudn't say that I'm totally into Black Metal...I only listen to the bands which are more than just standard Black Metal and aren't considered Black Metal by the purists. The first band I listened to which is more or less Black Metal was Enslaved with their "Blodhemn" album...
I'm not really into BM either. My "knowledge" in that field is very limited also and I believe I don't like a single BM band that is BM through and through :rolleyes:
What, lured me to black/death metal was the intense feeling I get from it.
Who, hmm, I suppose the beginning was when a crazy girlfriend around 1985 introduced me to people living nearby who had parties and played metal every weekend.
I also found and tuned into the metal show on community radio...ohhh so grateful.
Moonspell's Under the Moonspell in 94...I was 12 and impressionable and that album had a huge impact on me. I couldn't believe that musci could be so powerful and encompassing.