which band made you get into metal?

hahaha thanks..like what type? like evil shred?

Well, my main influence on that is Jason Becker...he just fucking ownz man..and his story is tear jerkingly inspirational..

check out the song:
Cacophony - Speed Metal Symphony

My guitar playing is nothing w/o Jason becker, I can list 50 Jason Becker songs, but that one should get you goin hehe.

www.jasonbecker.com to read his story, and find out about him.
Cool. I've been so wrapped up in melodic death the past few months i have't tasted anything different, and this just beat the crap out of me. I checked some sound clips from the JB site, and I will have to get some stuff from him, it's yummu sounding.
I bought a greatest hits tape with a Bosch painting on the front.
I thought it was grim and grotesque and fascinating and so was the music.
I'd have to say my harder music listening to started back in 95 when I first heard Korn's new album. Then I worked my way up the line till I got to Dream Theater in '97, Meshuggah in '98, and Opeth in '99. Opeth is still going strong.
First metal band : Metallica (MOP):headbang:
First "Death" metal : Opeth (MorningRise):headbang:
First Prog metal : Dream Theater ( Images & Words):headbang:

It all astarted with alice cooper, the first musical thing I can remember in my life is my father playing me "Skeletons In My closet" by alice cooper when I was like 3 or something. I always got him to put that song on haha....It just went from there(though not until about grade 5/6 in schooL!)

I started off loveing music, then when I hit kindergarten I seemed to lose all interest. I didn't buy a single piece of music until about 5-6 years later I believe. And that purchase was pretty neat: I oirdered seven free tapes from Columbia house, and got "Skid Row-Slave to The Grind" come by mistake somehow. It was listed as having explicit lyrics, so my mother told me I couldn't listen to it since it would make me kill myself. I didn't want that, so I didn't listen to it.

After a few weeks, my wandering mind couldn't figure out how a tape could make you kill yourself, so i asked her if I could listen to it. She apparently had forgotten, so I threw it on, and was blown away by the heaviest fastest, greatest music in the world! And emotional as well! I can remember whenever my parents would come in my room, I would shut the tape off so they wouldn't think I was crazy (that was some really wild music at the time!I can't possibly describe the intensity I felt when that album was on! I'd turn it off as my parents came downstairs, and I'd almost be shaking, as if suddenly taken away from a guilty pleasure...) That was the true beginning of metal flowing into my life, though I give the Coop credit for being the basis of it!
Originally posted by rustymetal
Iron Maiden and Metallica.
Me too! It was in January 1990 that and old friend lended me a tape with Iron Maiden's "Seventh Son..." album and I was forever lost... Then I copied all his Maiden stuff (tapes back then) and then I lended his Metallica "...And Justice For All" tape and got into Metallica, soon followed Slayer and some other bands. A short while after I got some Napalm Death, Obituary and Death and I was a Death Metal fan too.

In 1993-1994 the Gothenburg scene arose and alongside Dark Tranquillity, Dissection, In Flames etc. I then also discovered Opeth's "Orchid" album.

By the way, I find it strange that people say "I was 5-6 years old when I started listening to Metal", I mean, I've got little cousins that age and they've got no serious interest in music yet. I think real musical "consciousness" comes at around 10 years of age or so. 5-year-old kids don't listen to music, they're way too busy playing with their playmobil and transformers!
Sometime in the early 90's...........

Introduction was some old Black Sabbath LP's my from my dad's collection that my brother decided to dust off and take for a spin.. or two or three.

First current band I listened to was Sepultura... at the time. It would have been 'Chaos A.D.' .

But what actually GOT ME INTO METAL was the third album I picked up...... Morningrise by You-Know-Who......