Which CD took the longest time to get into?

Shortest: BWP (Mah first album)
Longest: deliverance (From all the bad comments people gave it, it kinda.. pushed it away from me)
svenske kocken said:
Longest: Blackwater Park. I really hated it in the beginning, I was really disappointed with it. But slowly it grew on me.

I'm with you buddy. I really only liked 2 songs at first, but now it is probably my second favorite (close race w/ Still Life). Shortest was 'Morningrise'. It rules/ruled/still ruling!
Well the first album you hear is obviously the one. For me it was BWP.
The title track, Bleak and Harvest just got me.
On subsequent purchases I just loved Orchid.
Damnation was an instant favourite I just really dig what they did on that album. Not perfect but just another chapter ( and essential chapter) in Opeth's history.
I don't listen to Opeth all that often though I own all of their albums but when I do it never ceases to be a rather disturbing yet uplifting ride.
I actually listen to and play funk/fusion stuff being a bass player but need my metal fix every now and then. Much to the bemusement of my muso friends.
I guess it is pretty difficult for a sax and trombone player to really understand Opeth's musical vision, lol.
Opeth are just the injection I need at times.
I think the easiest to get into was Morningrise, since I had just fallen head over heels in love with MAYH right before and then I picked up the back catalog.
Deliverance was definately the hardest since it doesn't move me like all the others do.
It took me awhile to get into Morningrise...not really sure why, but now I really enjoy that album. Orchid took me the shortest time to get into, and I still think that is their best album.
Shortest - Blackwater Park...i got into it straight away, it drew me in real easy-like!

Longest - A tie between MAYH and Deliverance. I didn't like MAYH the first few times because I thought it wasn't as 'polished' as Orchid (which I purchased just before it, and was also when I was just getting into Opeth and the whole metal scene). I also didn't like Deliverance much at first, but i took my own advice from past Opeth experiences and kept listening to it, and it's finally growing in on me a bit.
Longest-Morningrise ( I still think it's superior to 99% of everything else out there, but it's still my least favorite Opeth album.)

Shortest-Blackwater Park. Ever since the first spin it has been (and possibly always will be) my favorite album by them.
Shortest: STILL LIFE - I knew even before the album finished the first time I listened to it (around "Serenity Painted Death") that this was going to be my favorite Opeth album of all time... It still is...

Longest: ORCHID - This is probably since I had gotten into MORNINGRISE before hand and, in many ways, MORNINGRISE is superior to ORCHID in almost every single way (I always tend to lump these two albums together). It's still my least favorite Opeth album, but even then it's brilliant.
Longest: Orchid (almost a fucking year)
Shortest: Deliverance (a week at best)

I, like many, started as a BWP-worshiping rookie about a year ago. Now, I can still listen to BWP and Deliverance, but I'd much prefer one of their more creative older efforts. There's a magic in each of them, each is unique. The newer albums lost a bit of that, not all of it, but some. Orchid is the most powerful to me now, and it doesn't seem as random as Morningrise, and the lyrics seem to fit better. Orchid is just fucking amazing, I can't believe when people used to tell me that I'd just laugh.
longest - Morningrise (i still dont think i've 'got it' yet)
shortest - BwP (it was my first opeth album, and still is my favourite) or Delivereance (i knew after track 2 that the album rawks)