Rehearsal Recording, opinions needed!


Dec 18, 2006
Hey guys!

Last monday I recorded my band's rehearsal decently miked.

- Snare - PG56
- Kick - PG52
- OHs - Phillips Omnidirectional condenser

Guitars: SM57 on each

Bass: DI out from the amp (Ashdown)

Vocals:SM58 into a POD (already processed signal)

Here's a track that I mixed!

I would like some opinions on the mix.

Btw, here's the band's myspace:
Vocals need to come down and it'll be there, nice and lo-fi and dirty though, sounds like a rehearsal \m/

Edit: I like this guy's Deftones impression har-deeharrrr
it seems that if I get the vocals down they'll lose the power...

Yes, our vocalist has many Deftones influences in the voice, but we are getting more like in the post-hardcore wave...

is there any opinion/tip to make this sound more like a better recording..
it seems that if I get the vocals down they'll lose the power...

Yes, our vocalist has many Deftones influences in the voice, but we are getting more like in the post-hardcore wave...

is there any opinion/tip to make this sound more like a better recording..

Is there any post processing on the kick? Can you give me some info on the kick also?

guitars and OHs just sound mushy to me. Needs more separation IMO.
Yes, there is, I used a noise gate, a bit compressor (more limiter than compressor) just to shorten the dynamic range cuz sometimes the drummer hit it too hard and other too low, then a EQ scooping the mids between 250 and 600hz, then added a tiny amount (5-10%) of plate reverb just to fill the empty spaces that the noise gate made...

as for Guitars and OHs.... maybe, I never seem to get a decent leveling from the OHs because they never seem to be with the same gain/volume, guitars suck a bit because the right guitar has a MT-2-like harsh distortion, and mine (left) sounds kinda more warm...

I panned the OHs 75% for each side (100% sounded too much separated) and guitars 50%...
I have been doing similar things for my band. Pretty much same set up.

I agree with the vocals being to loud. You don't want to loose power but, maybe trying turning them down a cunt hair and EQ them differently.

When my band started working more with our pre-production set up, we started using a line out from the PA mixer to our converter so we could track him and hear him through the PA as well. Wich I guess has it's ups and downs.

Also what converter are you using?
I run every mic into our Behringer mixer, but I use the direct out to connect them to my PC(I use a creative Audigy2 soundcard, so I only have 6 channels, the other 2 were recorded to other PC), but i only get the vocal channel to get to the speaker.
No because he is using a POD and it only has an input and a processed output, i could in fact connect the SM58 directly to the mixer and the POD to the Send/Return and send the dry signal to the PC and the processed one to the speaker but then I wouldn't know how to set the effects later :rofl: (i'm in the band for only 2 months, haven't figured every sound detail of each one) as he uses various presets of drives/delays/choruses along the songs
Yeah, turn the vocals down a cunt hair, but a cunt hair that's starting to get a bit too long and is in need of a trim.
You get me?
I'll try to do that in the next rehearsal mix...
the problem is that with too much plugins my PC starts making strange noises and crashing the DAW, I use and got used to Sony ACID Pro 7, but my sound card sucks big time, and don't have money for much more right now, but i got an eye on the Tascam US-1641, it seems to fullfill my needs for the upcoming short/medium term future...