Rehearsal time?


Mar 28, 2006
Curious to the prep. / jammin time it takes for the band to rehearse songs going into a live show like PP Fest or any other shows for that matter? Can't wait for the live DVD!! Cool live pics-Cheers Muz.
For PP USA there was one rehearsal with just the Danish crew and Jonah. They ran through the setlist twice with a click track to keep in time. They were very tight. Then there were two more rehearsals with the full band, where they ran through the PP setlist two to three times.

For only coming together a few times a year it really is surprising how well put their performances are. It seemed like they jam out together on a constant basis. Chalk that up to the high level of musicianship that each member posesses as well as the fact that they practice individually constantly.
Yes this is accurate, The band came into town (Atlanta) a few days before myself, and had one day of rehearsal, and we did two days when I was there,
we basically run the the set once at each rehearsal, and if anyone has something they'd like to zone in on, we revisit that song.

Typically this band really only needs one time through the set, it's freakish
how tight it is from the first note of rehearsal, I don't say this in Erogance,
I say it in astonishment, I've played with a lot of bands and this one, is the tightest I've ever played with without a doubt.
The only reason we practiced more for this show was that the guys wanted to be sure we would kick arse, our manager had built up it's importance beyond
belief, and most of this band hasn't had a lot of stage time, believe it or not!

Looking back on it, it was a good thing we did, in this band all I usually here is guitars and drums, on the PP stage, all I heard was keys and a little drums
the positioning of the amp cabs was blowing right past me, and my monitors for the first half of the set were pretty much not even there!
It was a testiment to the band as individual musicians that we were still tight, because most of us couldn't hear the majority of the other members playing.