Mexican Fan have question


New Metal Member
Jul 14, 2003
Hermosillo, Sonora, MEXICO
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Hello there!
Well, i hope someone could help me here, its amazing when dreams come true like this upcoming live album and DVD... Im from Mexico and its hard for me to go to the shows, but the pics are so coooolllll. I couldnt wait for the album!

Juast a question... Its the album will made with the complete show (electric and acoustic? Same question for the dvd.

Thanks & Cheers from Mexico


Sorry for my english, by the way, hope you understand :ill:
Hey Adib,

We're going to try to use as much material as possible but a song or two might be dropped from the DVD, who knows. Your english is much better than my spanish keep writing in.

mgirishfan said:
Dropping a song or two???? Noooooooooo way! That's what double sided DVDs are for!!!! Please don't drop any of them....especially not Pure!!! :(


Aggggghhhhhhh! NO! Please include everything! Please!!

via dragon, greedy yet prostrate before the gods of prog:worship:
Hey gang,

We don't want to drop anything from the show, but it might not be an option to do the whole thing. I'll be transferring the pro tool files to my nuendo set up in the next couple of weeks where I can really listen to the material. If everything sounds good, then I see no reason why we won't include everything. But there maybe some tracks that are FUBAR. Things happen at live shows and sometimes songs get screwed up or have some technical difficulties, i.e., Seeds of Hate (my guitar strap came off), Pure (Ted screwed the pooch on a chord in the intro), Ed's bass cut out in a few spots, Sean broke a stick in a tune, etc. All that stuff has to be looked at, listened to and then determine if it can be left as is, helped in any way or even fixed. At that point, I'll make the decision. Know that I don't want to cut anything out at all...we might have to though. But our goal is to keep the entire show and that's what I'm hoping for.

Thanks again to everyone who came out and made it a special night for all of us in the band!

I apologise for being so emotional in Acquaintance and was really hard for me to play those tunes with my wife in the audience and I couldn't hold back the tears...:cry:

We had a great time though and hope to be playing live again real soon.

Take care,

Douglas A. Ott said:
Hey gang,

We don't want to drop anything from the show, but it might not be an option to do the whole thing. I'll be transferring the pro tool files to my nuendo set up in the next couple of weeks where I can really listen to the material. If everything sounds good, then I see no reason why we won't include everything. But there maybe some tracks that are FUBAR. Things happen at live shows and sometimes songs get screwed up or have some technical difficulties, i.e., Seeds of Hate (my guitar strap came off), Pure (Ted screwed the pooch on a chord in the intro), Ed's bass cut out in a few spots, Sean broke a stick in a tune, etc. All that stuff has to be looked at, listened to and then determine if it can be left as is, helped in any way or even fixed. At that point, I'll make the decision. Know that I don't want to cut anything out at all...we might have to though. But our goal is to keep the entire show and that's what I'm hoping for.

Thanks again to everyone who came out and made it a special night for all of us in the band!

I apologise for being so emotional in Acquaintance and was really hard for me to play those tunes with my wife in the audience and I couldn't hold back the tears...:cry:

We had a great time though and hope to be playing live again real soon.

Take care,


It is really such a brilliant show - wish I could have been there. I just watch it for the fourth or fifth time now... every day at work I can't wait to get home and my hands start shaking until I switch to imusicast! It's great that you try to keep everything in. And please, please don't cut Seeds of Hate out!

Not to worry about being emotional. That's what makes us human - even if it hurts sometimes :erk: Hope, you'll feel better soon :Spin:

Take care, Heike
We won't mind if Pure is less than in overdub. Ted did make a face too, so maybe Pure just on the CD??? But if it were my work, I would strive for perfection too, so I can understand if some songs don't make it. That just means I'll have to come to another show to hear them live again.

Doug-Thanks for sharing your emotions with us through your music. So many other bands just play the notes. You communication to all of us through the words you write and the way your guitar sings. I hope things work out for you. For what it's worth, after this past weekend you have many more people who don't just love your music, but truly admire you as a person.
Live concerts are not studio recordings, but they are "in stone" forever. My post when I said "I'd be shi**ing bricks" etc... was a joke and I think Ed fielded it well. I'd like this show to be released as it was played, F-ups and all (have you seen Rush's statements about "In Rio"? That's what it with it). I think live shows should sound REAL...Fuc**d Up Beyond All Recognition and all, but it's not my ass that was recorded. So just crank that sucker out as quick as possible!!! An adulterated DVD/CD is better than NO DVD/CD.
Well, in my opinion, it's a mixed bag. On the one hand, the part where Doug's strap came undone might be sort of cool to keep. On the other hand, when Ed's bass rig
lost power, it seems that if it were left raw, that it wouldn't be as nice to
listen to later on without the bottom end filling it out. I'm sure the adulteration will
be kept to a minimum though. (Hmmm, something about that last statement just
doesn't sound right... :)
