
Bass Monkey

PQ Member
Dec 21, 2010
Hey guys

The band have been rehearsing hard today in preperation for the upcoming shows.

It's only 3 weeks until Hammerfest and we're making the final decisions on which songs will make the set. New material is of course at the forefront but we will also be drawing from the back catalogue

We will return to the rehearsal studio tommorrow where gio will enjoy a good pumelling from his new electronic device made my peavey lol infact we all have new toys to play with new Engl and Peavey amps, drum kits etc

The above paragraph comes to you in association with Gio productions and Spinal Tap! :headbang:

Well you've heard from Paul and Gav there......just a quick word from Mr Symphony.....a cool day in the studio and lots done.....not long til Hammerfest and we will have some more exciting news for you guys in the not too distant future:kickass:

Cheers from the PQ guys
Nice! A synergized message :p

Hope you guys are having fun rehearsing and are looking forward to the shows as much as we are looking forward to seeing you guys play live! :D
Nice! A synergized message :p

Hope you guys are having fun rehearsing and are looking forward to the shows as much as we are looking forward to seeing you guys play live! :D

We're dfinitely having fun and really looking forward to bringing this show to you all. We will be on way to studio within the hour and the final song choices will be made.

Rich currently has his apron on and is preparing full English breakfasts for us all. I'm sure that will set us up for the day!

It's Going to be a productive day I feel. Are you ready Rock :headbang:
The setlist for Hammerfest will be pretty cool - as Paul says, there'll be a mixture of both old and new with songs from BA being at the forefront. There will also be an exclusive live premier of a PQ classic which has never been played live before...
Very good weekend......everyone really put the hard yards in and we were all pretty destroyed afterwards. The worse thing really about rehearsal weekends is that Paul has to drive back to Glasgow, Gav to Swansea and me to Southampton......the last thing you want to do when totally shot away lol!
Request noted.....although one thing we are trying to do with the new incarnation of the band is to deliver a set list that isn't just the old set list + new songs from BA. We are going back in time.......way back in some cases!
Food of the Gods I reckon! When on tour, or at rehearsals or on the road day HAS to begin with at least the following

Bacon, Sausages, eggs, mushrooms, fried bread, tomatoes, hash browns........and if possible black pudding! Dammit.....all I'm succeeding in doing here is make myself hungry! lol!
A very encouraging message thanks guys I hope you all had a blast! Christening new equipment sounds like a lot of fun :headbang: Hope y'all kicked back with a pint o' mild after a hard day's rockin' :kickass: Incidentally, black pudding is the most metal and essential breakfast ingredient. I add mine to Jagermeister.