Stop Press: Pq Lineup News!!!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Big news from PQ HQ....drummer Gav Ward has left the band! Gav is just about to embark on a 3 year degree course at University in Cornwall and felt that he would not be able to give 110% to both the band and his studies. Needless to say we have parted on excellent terms, as we regard Gav as a really close friend. We all wish Gav the best of luck in his studies as well.

We would like to thank Gav for all his efforts over the past 12 months, especially on the road and enabling us to play Bloodstock in 2003. Cheers buddy!

Of course this means that we are now on the look out for a new drummer and anyone interested can get in touch by emailing or by writing to the band at the address on the business enquiries page.

Pah! Who's kilt am I gonna have a good rumage under now that Gav's not going to be around ? :erk:

Best of luck to you petal, you're a cracking little drummer and a canny lad to boot.

Good luck with your studies and just as important to the rest of the band who will have a hard task ahead of them finding an equally suitable replacement for you.
I'd like to add my thanks to Gav for the 'Summer of Metal' tour and the use of his kit for that slog around the country! Best of luck with all you're letting yourself in for at uni! And I hope the rest of the PQ boys have a lot of luck in their search for a replacement. Drummers arn't that easy to find..... ;-)