'Releasing' a few projects today (instrumental covers and originals)

Benny H

Nov 6, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
What's up Sneap forum. Been a member here a long time.. never posted much.. always checked back every now and then.
AE and producing are very interesting to me and I can get very absorbed in it, but probably realized it's not something I will make a big part of my life.

Anyway, I've been sitting on my musical works for a long time for some reason but trying to push through that procrastination etc

Got some originals here

Some of the gear used: Maxon OD808. Krank RevJr. ENGL e530.
Andy's 'Metal Machine' ezx
Slate drums (Terry Date)

Recording in reaper these days.

And a cover project https://soundcloud.com/theewerhine
Here's a guitar driven cover of Daft Punk 'Get Lucky'

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Is there bass guitar?

The mix lacks tons of glue but with a bass guitar (or more bass in the mix) it could sound really good.
Yeah you're right. I think only 1 or 2 of the tracks on my soundcloud have bass.
Do you think a dirty/gritty 'present' tone would suit or just something kinda just solid and understated?

Another thing I find wregarding everything sounding cohesive is the drum sounds. I really like slate drums on their own, but in a mix they seem to feel disconnected.
That's why I go to the 'metal machine' ezx still... I also find that sounds produced but still a natural believable drum sound.

Thanks for checking it anyway!
A dirty/gritty tone would work well, but that's hard to say without trying it out first.

Honestly, I found most Slate Drums (despite maybe the cymbals) fit pretty well in the mix with the correct tweaks here and there, I think the root problem is your lack of glue.

What glues the drums together with the guitars is the bass guitar. Your soundcloud clip would sound miles better with an audible bass guitar (or an actual bass guitar if it's not there).

I'd start with the mixing/adding of bass guitar before tweaking the drums, because the drums sound fine (as of now) but the bass guitar will add another dimension to your mixes and thus, more problems that may arise.