
Half yer luck! I've got no exams, but still have two major assignments to do. Then I'll have a 5 minute break, before getting stuck into my thesis, which I'll hand in in early November. :)
School was fun! Uni's not fun at all! I'd rather be working and accumulating funds, given that i'm not gonna have my usual 3-week midyear break this year anyway.

Jordan, I'm doing my thesis on volunteering and charitable giving. Basically trying to find out which social classes do what, and why.
Oh, I can help! I'm middle class, probably nudging towards upper middle class, and I do charity-type things (not many, mind you) because I feel guilty about having so much stuff and still wanting more. :)
coool, winmar!

propose some bogus theory that is acceptable, and in 20 years time a whole bunch of other people will reject it, but it will still be one of those "framework" theories.

Uni's alright, a lot of work though (well, depends really).
Hehehe I'll have to use you guys in my thesis. I'm sure eventually it'll be one of the great works in the field....not. :)
Interestingly enough Winmar, I want to go back to uni next year because I'm bloody sick of volunteer work :lol:.

Not strictly true, because I enjoy my regular stint on community radio, but all the other stuff bores me stupid. Plus I want to get a lot more writing done, and what better way to do that than with a crime novel disguised as a Masters thesis? :)

I want out of uni. :mad:
If I don't go well on this semester (just completed) I wont return for the next one. I'll take a little time off and return next year, hopefully in a more constructive frame of mind.
I hear ya dude. I am f'n hating my course at the moment, but I am keen to finish it and get the degree. I don't want all this work I have done, and HECS I have racked up to be for nothing.

I fucked up one exam out of four this semester, so I hope I don't fail that subject. I am really not keen on repeating more Law subjects than I have to. :cry: