
Stick in there, guys. It'll all be worth it when u finish, even if you don't want to work in the same field as your degree's in.

Sounds good, Wrathy! Why do you want to do a masters though, if honours was such a bad year? Masters is twice as long!
Adelaide Uni's Masters in Creative Writing is only a year-long course. I did a Grad Dip (prerequisite for the MA) in 98 and it was my fifth consecutive year of full time tertiary study :eek:.

By the end of it, I got so tired of listening to pretentious snobs spouting hot air in tutorials that I opted for a change of scenery. Now all the people who got on my nerves (one tutor in particular) are long gone and I'm ready to give it another go.

Plus, I really want to test myself and see if I can come up with something publishable by the end of it. With a bit of luck I'll be so focused on the big picture that I won't have time to waste socialising with or trying to win the approval of everyone else in my seminar group. That's the plan anyway :).

Winmar said:
Stick in there, guys. It'll all be worth it when u finish, even if you don't want to work in the same field as your degree's in.
Yeah, thats what I keep saying to myself now. Since I have started hating my course, there is no way I am going to look for a job in that area once I finish, but the degree will be well worth having under my belt, and might be useful for a career change in the future or something.