
I'm so used to the production that the albums have currently that I wouldn't even think of buying remixed or remasters. I think Opeth's albums have very apt production in relation to their music.
Such fanboyistic remarks in here, fan boys are some funny people. :lol:

On a side note, so many a album I'd love to get a hold of and mix myself.
Orchid is loud, clear, and has good levels. The guitars have bite. You can hear the bass. What's wrong with it?
I love the production on Morningrise out of all of Opeths albums. It just bleeds atmosphere. I can't think of many other albums that have such a production/music match - it all just fits!
I'd say the worst is MAYH, second worse StillLife, and thrid worst is orchid\morningrise.

Other than that they're all decent.

Are you serious?

I mean yeah, sure, Nordstrom's work with Opeth wasn't the most stellar sounding stuff in the world, but at least it represented the band faithfully. It's almost the perfect mix of raw and 'produced'.

Orchid and Morningrise just sounded plain shit. I bet the band in rehearsals sounded better.
I believe that because each album sounds differently, they all stand out. If every album sounded like GR, it would be so vastly boring. No need to tamper with the records. I love all the sounds.
Morningrise, although it is one of my favs, has the worst production imo.

in fact this is what mikael has always thought.
after hearing to night and the silent water live, i would put them again in the studio, recording again the album... as dimmu borgir made with stormblast.

i always thought also that orchid and morningrise should stay untouched, but after the live versions of the songs i changed my mind.
It's amazing how many people don't know what the fuck they're on about.

Some aspects of production are subjective.
Some are definitely not.

All the albums preceding BWP (especially MAYH... that fucking cymbal clipping? horrible...) definitely could do with being remixed/remastered.

Remastering, if done well (without remixing) could have an effect on the albums- It's not just about an overal volume increase- remastering could provide the albums with more power (through compression, EQ etc), get rid of extraneous noise, provide better stereo image..

Remixing/Mixing HAS VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH 'VOLUME LEVELS'- The individual processing of each track to give it it's own space in the sonic spectrum of the mix is a far more important aspect. This is achieved through a lot of different 'effects'. Hearing the first 4 albums remixed would actually make me want to listen to them. As they are (still life being slightly better, but those volume dropouts are incredibly annoying) I don't much want to.

Btw, the recording's wouldn't lose their atmosphere if they sounded pleasant to listen to.
(I think BWP has far more atmosphere anyway- well, atmosphere that I actually like. But a lot of the fanboys who like only the pre-BWP albums will never admit that BWP is produced much better)
I'll admit that I don't know diddely shit about remastering and that.

But while BWP might be technically produced and mastered better, it doesn't have the same atmosphere as the rest (obviously). All I know is that if Morningrise et al sounded like BWP it would ruin the atmosphere of it.
Besides, my copy of Still Life doesn't have those drop outs.
Yes it does, you just havent listened cloesly enough.

Thats cool about the atmosphere statement though, I mean, I prefer BWP's style of atmosphere (which it certainly does have) but in the end that's a subjective aspect.
I really don't think any of Opeth's albums are in dire need of any sort of remastering/mixing process. To be honest, the only things I'd actually want changed are the fuck-ups in Requiem/Apostle in Triumph and anything else that I have forgotten about/wasn't aware of.
I'm so used to the production that the albums have currently that I wouldn't even think of buying remixed or remasters. I think Opeth's albums have very apt production in relation to their music.

I agree. But I'd still be willing to buy new copies of them, for even the smallest reason (bonus tracks, different covers, MFSL editions, etc...).