Remember Suit Case City


New Metal Member
Apr 7, 2002
back in 93 I lived in Suit Case City...Fletcher ave...Tampa
It was about a week after i settled in i pulled up to a store a block from my pad...I see this dude looking at my shirt as if he wanted to rip it off me and steal it...hehe...I was wearing my original Bathory under the sign of the black mark...of course thats what he was interested in...he offered me money...I refused...after about 2 minutes of pestering for my shirt..I still Refused and realized James....wassssssssup...what a warm welcome to florida....Hell...he only lived around the corner...he said welcome to Suit Case City....I asked him why is that called that...he said because everone is cramped in together causing alot of stress and violence...hehe....It was like fourth of july in our area of Tampa....Death Metal and Violence...what a good combination....Mikill of Demogorgon:mad:
Hi Mikill,

I remember meeting you that day at the convenience store, and I remember that Bathory t-shirt! I still never found one to this day, and even if I had it would have ended up missing just like the rest of my stuff.

Suitcase City, what a great place to live (laughing).... I actually lived in a decent apartment complex but it was still pretty bad. That was during the time that I was doing the original Disincarnate album and tour.

Anyway, still got that shirt? Ha ha

Thanks for posting Mikill,

"Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed they create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to dread but actually welcome problems." ~M. Scott Peck~