Removing air and nasally tone in guitars


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
ever since i got a hold of revalver i have loved it. but now comparing to many other clips both commercial and home studio work, my guitars have both an airy sound and nasally sound. The clarity inst there and neither is any power.

I have eq'd, the highs hiss and the upper mids sound sound nasally. cut the mids and the tone gets more airy, cut the highs and the tone gets too dark and has little to no clarity.

everything sounds boxed in and small, and i can;t get a bigger should without things getting muddy.

maybe its revalver or the fact that i am not micing anymore. back when i used to mic my spider 2 it had the solid sound but lacked bad in the crunch, chug and dynamics department, it also sounded harsh. Revlaver came around and its been a struggle to get a good clear non nasally , non airy sounding tone.

it just sounds boxed in and lo-fi. any tips or tricks as to making a huge chunky sound. hell listening to Guitarhack's 6505 with impulse sounds great. I am using the 6505 with GH's impulses and no matter the amp eq post eq, its airy hissy and very lacking

I know what you mean about impulses sounding boxy, it's just kinda an inherent thing I've noticed, but it's less noticeable in a mix - still, I find I'm always cutting liberally at around 150, 400, and 1k whenever I use impulses, and boosting a bit at 4k to give 'em more bite. I've never encountered nasally-ness (though I don't use Revalver), but I can tell you that the nasal range is right around 2k, so that's be the place to start sucking. Good luck man, and clips always help! ;)
I know what you mean about impulses sounding boxy, it's just kinda an inherent thing I've noticed, but it's less noticeable in a mix - still, I find I'm always cutting liberally at around 150, 400, and 1k whenever I use impulses, and boosting a bit at 4k to give 'em more bite. I've never encountered nasally-ness (though I don't use Revalver), but I can tell you that the nasal range is right around 2k, so that's be the place to start sucking. Good luck man, and clips always help! ;)

+1 exactly the ranges I cut too using revalver, except the 150 one.
I know what you mean about impulses sounding boxy, it's just kinda an inherent thing I've noticed, but it's less noticeable in a mix - still, I find I'm always cutting liberally at around 150, 400, and 1k whenever I use impulses, and boosting a bit at 4k to give 'em more bite. I've never encountered nasally-ness (though I don't use Revalver), but I can tell you that the nasal range is right around 2k, so that's be the place to start sucking. Good luck man, and clips always help! ;)

i can't cut bass i am already lacking much there. and i have to roll off the highs to keep away the hiss. The nasally sound when you try to remove it with eq, the whole tone just falls apart. It the harmonics and undertones if the distortion itself that is all screwy. its fizzy, it doesn't sizzle.

another huge problem is that i lack warmth, eq...will only make it muddy, more power amp saturation, ups the mids. When i listen to say a commercial release or even my older songs (with crappy tone) there is way more bass but it isn't muddy. again this is something eq or compression fixes.

i played with tones of impulses and they sound nowhere near what some others have posted with the same impulse, every tone sounds the same, the impulses make very little difference, in both SIR or revalver

take out the maybe and you have your answer.

i would mic again but i don't have a good amp. The sound was solid but the tone sucked ass.
post a clip...cause i'm listening to the stuff on soundclick & it doesn't have the problems you're having here
post a clip...cause i'm listening to the stuff on soundclick & it doesn't have the problems you're having here

i justposted a clip, a tone test over in the rate board a few days ago. if you checked out the sound click you heard it. anyway, some people have that sound and it doesn't bother them...but it does me.

its the actual shape of the distortion itself that bothers me. And now that i think about it i think it has to do with mic placement. Most home studio metal guys like to have that mic right on the edge, and i always placed the mic in the center of the cone and edge, reducing the higher overtones.

Still The tone is too fizzy, too bright and dull at the same time. When i bring down the highs to match say a commercial mix or some good quality home studio recordings (like guitarhacks of course) and you can still hear the sizzle and clarity, but when you listen to just my guitars, they are very lacking in sizzle and clarity.

its the shape for the distortion that is confusing me is there anyway to alter it without making the tone muddy. my tone lacks in low end and when i add low end it is all boomy and the palm mutes become sloppy, when they are eq'd the same way as you got it a good quality recording

I am literally putting my tracks up to a song's which tone i like and eq'ing it to match, (the mix panned to the left slightly and my guitars to the right. When i eq the tone to sound the same/match, the shape for the distortion is still messed up. I have tried moving eq knobs on the amp, changing impulses, still the same.

i still don't get how you get that big tone as if the strings are moving in slow motion, just extremely powerful as if when you try to stop them they just dampen, but keep going like they have a huge mass. like massive low sustain with all the lower fundamentals and undertones that are there but sharp and tight.

im tired of fizz tone, i want some sizzling top end and huge unstoppable but tight low end.

the only thing that i can think of is that the bands that have that kind of sound are playing 2500+ dollar amps and usually playing caparison guitars. but i don't think it is the guitar because my 7 string's strings have massive inertia behind them like i am talking about that i want in my tone. once it goes through the amp, it is gone.

So the amp is killing it somewhere. So i am really asking what are the tricks in the rig that can change the shape of the distortion. Think evergrey, mercenary, nightrage, newer bodom.

Dandelium uses revalver and he's done something to tame that upper end, it doesn't sound fizzy. so i am curious as to what exactly you have to do to fix that. The low end unfortunately, until i can get my hands on say a upper priced engl, or bogner (or something of that sort), i might not find out.
pickup height, where you pick, string thickness, tube screamer. also roll off a LOT on LP filtering. last but not least, use less gain. less than what you think you should.

using a TS, gain is set on 6505 to 4, (the equivalent on the treadplate is dimed for some reason, its not a very hot amp), LP is all the way down to 5k and an parametric rolling off all the way down to 3k. and all it does is kill clarity, thi fizz is still there

believe me that is subtle shit, the sound difference is way too big for it to be something like how you play.

comparison clips using revlaver 6505 and recto i like the recto better, but still no matter how i eq, the tone sounds weak and diluted.

i see now...i've only listened to the two 6505 clips as of this moment, i don't know what tuning you're in, but how bout tuning lower for starters?? roll the tone knob down on the TS, it adds a lot of that mid-high sizzle...this is just personal taste, but goddamn that noise-gate you have on is very high. try some different impulses,they change the sound pretty drastically.
you should try to get the sound you want before messing with EQ
it really doesn't sound bad at all to me
i see now...i've only listened to the two 6505 clips as of this moment, i don't know what tuning you're in, but how bout tuning lower for starters?? roll the tone knob down on the TS, it adds a lot of that mid-high sizzle...this is just personal taste, but goddamn that noise-gate you have on is very high. try some different impulses,they change the sound pretty drastically.
you should try to get the sound you want before messing with EQ
it really doesn't sound bad at all to me

there isn't a noise gate. if you listened to the song that i was comparing with, same tuning, drop C and when i first heard songs of that new album i though that the one i covered was in drop Bb.

the tuning is drop C which is more than plenty. the tone is just thin, tinny almost and very diluted. i want to get the distortion larger, thicker, stronger, this watered down tone is beginning to piss me off.

i have used many, and i mean many impulses, you are listening to the best, the high end is brittle and harsh. again i can probably attribute the impulses to be flawed to their micing positions, a 57 at the edge of the cone is a no no imo, that area is where the harsh and brittle overtones are, but your not going to find any metal impulses that are miced elsewhere.

other than Guitarhack's any good impulses anyone know of?