Replacements for SyX?

Umm...let me see...

Russel Allen - James LaBrie
Mike Romeo - John Petrucci
Mike Pinella - Jordan Rudess
Mike Lepond - John Myung
Jason Rullo - Mike Portnoy
*runs and hides*
Here it goes:

Russel Allen's out, Jorn Lande' in.
Michael Romeo's out, Dimebag Darrel's in.
Jason Rullo's out, Mike Portnoy's in.
Mike Lepond's out, Luis Mariutti's (Shaman) in.
Mike Pinnella's out, Jordan Rudess' in.
Brood of Evil said:
Umm...let me see...

Russel Allen - James LaBrie
Mike Romeo - John Petrucci
Mike Pinella - Jordan Rudess
Mike Lepond - John Myung
Jason Rullo - Mike Portnoy
*runs and hides*


This is perhaps the dumbest thread I've ever seen on this board. It even tops the Petrucci vs. Romeo threads I often see. It's also dumber than all the random threads Soul of Ice makes.