Repression Release - Fusion Metal


New Metal Member
Aug 1, 2010
The band was formed in December 2008 in Niš, Serbia. The general idea, which came from the bass player Luka, was that the band plays some sort of modern metal which was the starting point of the development of the band's sound which is still evolving. Mladen (solo guitarist) and Bojan (drummer), with whom he has played in the band Sepulchrum soon joined the band. The instrumental part of the band was completed with the arrival of Aleksandar who comes in to fill the place of rhythm guitarist. With a few instrumental rehearsals first songs are created, but the vocalist that fits in to that sound was hard to find. A couple of rehearsals, with different singers and the problem was solved... Viktor was chosen as the vocalist and the band was completed, ready to make a revolution in Niš, and the Serbian underground scene.

This is our myspace page, you can listen to our Black & Gray Ep there.

See ya..
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Come on guys we really need some feedback from abroad so please feel free to comment even if you think we suck. :)