Requiem Aeternam - Philosopher - new website, details, etc


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002

New Requiem Aeternam website is up and operational! Feel free to check it out and tell us how you like it.

For those who are unaware, Requiem Aeternam is a melodic death/black metal band started in uruguay, now located in New York City. Originally the band consisted of current members of Opeth, now the lineup includes Jose Romero (guitars, vocals), Maciej Kupiszewski (bass), and Alex Hernandez (ex. Immolation) on drums.

In the meantime, the second album "Philosopher" has been released and is starting to grab attention. It is available worldwide through different distributors (details on merchandise page), "Philosopher" is also available through the band's website (merchandise section). An mp3 of one of the songs from the album is also available.


Below is one of many reviews the album has received:

"I could cop out and just leave off after describing this as eclectic melodic brutal technicality. It encompasses all of these adjectives (and one noun) in its sound and the resulting construction is an audio architectural marvel. Sudden but unjarring shifts between (...) dark folk moments and heavy but precise black metal menace and the blend of intense melody and intense metalness all work together to produce one of the more creative and accessible pieces of metal around. The vocals, like the instrumentals, shift from startlingly well-sung passages and throat-ripping stylizations (...) Bright and creative."

- FishComCollective WEBZINE (USA)

take care!