

Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
Stream it here to your prick's content -

The first track is immense, and so far the other two just sound like your run of the mill polished LoG material with Adler soloing for slightly longer periods of time... Someone definitely got hard over Skolnick licks again. I wish I would hear more blasts like the ones in 'Guilty' because the sound of that snare is just fucking tasty and one of their signature sounds in the mix since Ashes (correct me if I'm wrong). 'The Number Six' tries to be slightly Opethian in it's arrangement, randomly undulating between melody and dissonance with bass breaks and vocal fuckarounds, and it would work if it didn't contrast the band's tried and true formula so much. The short instrumental 'Barbaraosa' just reeks of Dimebag influence. Fun as hell headbanging tracks include 'Invictus' and 'Cheated'. I'm not sure whether it's Randy singing at the beginning of 'Insurrection', but that was just plain weak. Speaking of Dimebag influences, they show up twice on this album actually thanks 'To the End'! If you need one song as a compendium of timeless LoG grooves that make us all appreciate this band, I'd pick 'Visitation'. The last track was overproduced and useless mid tempo radio friendliness in retrospect and that's unfortunate, but it could have been much worse.


Do you need something specific for the album to stream correctly? Pressing the play tab for any of the songs or "entire album" does nothing other than to light up the pause option. There's nothing playing for me. It's on Youtube as well, but the sound quality is pretty bad.
saw them live last night. a fucking mazing. they top every band. ever....ever.

they arent even my favorite band, but god damn the energy at their shows. if you like to mosh than a LoG show is fucking awesome.
Right now I'm on the fence with this one....LoG is one of my favorites, but I hate being the guy that says they haven't been able to top Palaces and Ashes....those 2 just had so many "money" riffs and I'm just not hearing as many of those from them these days. That being said - there is something refreshing about a band that you know will always come out with some straight-ahead, uncompromising American metal. I think the new Mastodon has better "songs" and the new Threat Signal is technically heavier and tighter than this - but neither of them delivers this kind of raw energy. LoG always delivers live, so I'm hoping they will put together a solid U.S. tour with some other solid bands. Let's see if this grows on me with more listens....
I don't compare any of their stuff to palaces because it's too amazing. that is and always will be their best album. the combination of that 2nd album fire/drive and devin townsend just made it so fucking brutal and every track is top notch.

i still do dig the new one though, and i actually like it more than i thought i would. you can tell they're feeling stale because they're branching out and trying weird shit just because (songs like king me with the synth backing and poppy vibe and insurrection basically being a pop metal song for them) but luckily i think they pull it off pretty well. there's a couple bland tracks but overall their attempt to branch out a bit is working i think and i can't wait to see what they do next (completely stomps wrath, is a bit better than sacrament but is a bit worse than ashes).
They played The Number Six and Desolation, and I think Ghost Walking. THe Number Six live was pretty fucking good. the new album sounds alright, it just seems like a slightly worse wrath.