Resources for dynamic range compression?


Mediocre metal maker
Dec 18, 2010
Suffolk, United Kingdom
I'm doing a paper about the use of dynamic range compression in Music Production, and am having a hard time finding resources that have enough information about the subject and it's origins. So far I have Bob Katz's Mastering Audio, and while it's useful for referencing how it can be manipulated, it doesn't really have any early information on it.

Do any of you know of any good books or web articles to look into reading? I'm not asking you to write my paper, but anything about its first use in Music Production or any names of engineers who were the first to use it would really help me out.


try searching for specific early limiter/compressor models. EMI, Urei, Fairchild. And try looking at the origins of the technology - VCA, Opto (Variac), FET, tube designs.

The Universal audio website has some great articles that talk about the history of the technology.