Response To Barney G's Comments On 9/11 Attack


New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2001
this was a letter I wrote to (a great news site by the way) regarding the comments Barney Greenway (vocalist of Napalam Death) made in the wake of 9/11. if you haven't read his comments, go to Blabbermouth news archive first...

just thought it might spark some discussion 'round here...

20 September 2001

Dear Blabbermouth:

I’m a long-time Napalm Death fan. I always enjoy Barney’s perspectives on political matters. Hell, the guy writes damn good album reviews too! Unfortunately, I thought his take on September 11’s terrorist attack slipped into the same kind of simplistic thinking and demonization he finds repellent in the people and institutions he opposes.

Needless to say, we agree that the ”wider picture” has long predicted this escalation of terrorism. America obviously has some screwed-up foreign and military policies that have earned it enemies around the world. But in the same sentence, Barney breezily implies that our rush to find the culprits is perhaps a rush to smear Arabs, like the “last time in Oklahoma.” First of all, the “last time” America was attacked wasn’t Oklahoma, it was October 2000 in Yemen when bin Laden bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 people – and the time before that was August 1998 in the Sudan when bin Laden bombed two US embassies killing 224 – and let’s not forget the December 2000 capture of a bin Laden-trained Algerian trying to enter the US with a carload of explosives intent on bombing Los Angeles. So to imply that law enforcement shouldn’t make reasonable assumptions (Arab terrorists) defies logic. As for the Oklahoma blast, the speculation of Arab responsibility lasted all of two days until McVeigh was caught but, quite frankly, that was eminently reasonable given prior attacks on American targets: Beirut (‘88), the World Trade Center (’93, bin Laden) as well as the killing of 18 US soldiers in Somalia (’93) that bin Laden claimed responsibility for and led to his expulsion from that country.

As for America, Britain, NATO et al., “arrogantly interfering in other nation’s affairs”, these incursions aren’t spurred on by grandiose ideas of “Hey, what group of helpless f.ckwits can we can we screw over today?,” they’re usually caused by the begging of besieged populations being slaughtered wholesale by despots like Milosovic. Is there too much rah-rah, look-at-us jingoism accompanying the “saviors” – and not enough actual peace that results a lot of times? Of course. Way too many innocents were killed in Yugoslavia. And NATO sure as sh.t hasn’t done enough to stop ethnic Albanians from exacting revenge on the Serbs. But you could just as easily make the opposite charge: that organizations like NATO haven’t “arrogantly interfered” enough (e.g. Rwanda).

As for “self-interest”, America has never denied that it acts in its own self-interest. Humanitarian-interest is self-interest these days. Overpopulation, refugees swamping borders, global economies, nuclear arsenals, even the internet is making the world smaller every day. You wanna see hell on earth, don’t try to keep Yugoslavia from imploding, don’t try to protect your oil interests in the Middle East. Believe me, I’m not saying America, NATO or anyone else hasn’t made monumental left and right, but all these situations are as infinitely complex as the human nature driving them. They certainly can’t be reduced to simplistic sloganeering – from either side.

About Bush, hey, I think the guy is anl idiot (“Dan Quayle with a better wristwatch”). And I’m as sickened by his environmental policies, missile defense system and Christian Right ties as you. But lots of Americans are and believe me, we ain’t nowhere near done fighting. But to seriously equate the US’s Israeli/ Palestinean policy with “good old ethnic cleansing” is ridiculous. America has consistently dragged both sides back to the table over and over. Nothing would be in our “self-interest” more than Mideast peace. Do we have monumental moments of inconsistency, like when we’re preaching harmony, doves and good feelings foreveryone – then selling tanks to Israel? Yeah, and it’s embarrassing, shameful and wrong. But to call our actions toward Palestine “ethnic cleansing” uselessly overspends a moral currency. And understand, we Americans do know how to ethnically cleanse – just count how many native Americans are still around.

That said, attempts to link the September 11 attack with general Muslim anger towards America might be painting with too broad a brush. Bin Laden has little interest in the political plight of the Palestinians or any other Muslims. His is a religious fundamentalist fervor, a desire to destroy America for “defiling” Islam’s holy lands by its very presence in the Mideast and he has explicitly exhorted fellow Muslims to murder Westerners on sight. Matter of fact, he also despises any number of his Muslim “brothers” as they’ve rejected his radicalism and his "fatwa" against the West.

Bush is “just as bad” as Saddam Hussein? C’mon, Barney. You must see the distinction between the elected leader of a flawed but basically open democratic society and the dictator of a violent, repressive totalitarian regime. There are some reasonably pleasant aspects of “Western” society, aren’t there? At the very least, you get to openly make great music and I get to listen to it, right? I mean, our music scene is considered "undergound" because of its limited commercial viability (not to mention most mainstream listeners just don't have the good sense and good taste to get into it!) But try checking out the "underground" music scene in Afghanistan where possession of any music -- or radios, or TV, etc -- will get you murdered in, of all places, a football stadium! Exagerrated political rhetoric and demonization only blunts real discussion of the deadly serious differences between the kind of "conservatives" (even fundamentalists) Bush and his ilk represent (in countries who have the ability to repudiate them) and those like Saddam Hussein.

As for “there’s already been talk of Bush authorising random attacks before they can even prove who did it.” Yeah, well, I’m sure you heard the “Reverends” Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson say the attacks were caused by God getting mad at gays, abortionists, feminists, etc. and you didn’t believe them, did you? I know it’s aggravating reading the militaristic sh.t people post on boards, I’ve been reading it too. And the news isn’t much better, with reports of hate crimes against innocent Muslims, etc…

But my point is yeah, it doesn’t help when people get into a ‘bomb the bastards’ mentality. But it also doesn’t help when, of all the things you can wish for in the aftermath of 6000+ people dying, you wish only that “they’d flown a plane right up Bush’s arse!”

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Just wanted to let ‘em be known.


Bollthrower (a guy, not the band)
I don't even need to finish reading your post to tell you what I think on that subject. Living in this country you could have it one of two ways. 1. You could live like you have been your whole life free and unrestricted in this country which is technically a flourishing country compared to most others or 2. You could live like them where they hold you behind walls with machine guns and can't even go to take a shit without worrying about getting shot for doing it without asking for permission. They hurt us without warning and for no reason. Bin Laden didnt do it for the cause of religion and going to heaven. If he was really so ritious it would have been himself in those planes. So I say take em all down. Eye for an eye!

"Revenge is a dish best served cold." (William Shakespear)
Barney is not the only guy whose view of terrorism being justified has pissed me off, but Serj T. from System of a Down got my blood boiling as well(Sept. 14 in the BLABBERMOUTH archives). Now, granted, I "hate" these people who, IN AMERICA, saying shit like this, but the last thing I would do is physically go after either Barney or Serj in a fit of anger. I am an AMERICAN AND DAMN PROUD!!! I do pray and preached to all who will listen.....WE CAN SCAR THESE BASTARD'S CAREERS. I am also very very proud to see, on their own websites, their own fans telling them where they can go! I am not political at all, but shit, I am HUMAN! A trait some people, sad to say, will never understand, yet never possess.
What date was it on (I looked for it a bit, but haven't found it yet)? I'd like to get his full comments first, before abusing him or anything (not that it's a huge issue to me, I listen to ND because I like the music, I don't care if the guys are assholes. But still, in the spirit of debate, when was it?)