FArenheit 9/11

Oh yeah, 1 vote DOES matter, look at the last election. You HAVE to exercise your rights as an american citizen . I don't care who you vote for but just as long as you vote
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah, 1 vote DOES matter, look at the last election. You HAVE to exercise your rights as an american citizen . I don't care who you vote for but just as long as you vote
Sounds like a plan but what can I do to help rid our country of the electoral college?

Where the fuck is my spell check!!!!
I haven't seen this movie and i really don't intend to but i have talked to a lot of people about it enough to form my opinions. What gripes my ass is that this guy says all this shit but how is he backing it up? Where exactly is he getting his information? Hes piecing together all these different speeches and interviews and presenting them as fact and all the liberals that go see it come running out of the theater saying, I told you so! Told me what? If Moore told them the sky was pink they would believe it! Think for yourself people! If you want facts, do some research and don't just believe what everyone tells you...
GWOODS said:
I haven't seen this movie and i really don't intend to but i have talked to a lot of people about it enough to form my opinions. What gripes my ass is that this guy says all this shit but how is he backing it up? Where exactly is he getting his information? Hes piecing together all these different speeches and interviews and presenting them as fact and all the liberals that go see it come running out of the theater saying, I told you so! Told me what? If Moore told them the sky was pink they would believe it! Think for yourself people! If you want facts, do some research and don't just believe what everyone tells you...

I think your new so read the rules of engagement and play nice
Saw it and loved it. Bush needs to go over to iraq and see how catching a bullet feels, the stupid bastard.
Well, I didn't pay to see Fahrenheit 9/11 since I downloaded it off the web and watched it for free. I thought it was a good movie for causing all this controversy.
Lick Bush In '04. :hotjump:
"I haven't seen this movie and i really don't intend to but i have talked to a lot of people about it enough to form my opinions ...Think for yourself people! If you want facts, do some research and don't just believe what everyone tells you."

All in one paragraph.

Sometimes it's just too easy.

Love from a British Liberal.

P.S - Isn't it amazing that the US always does so well in the World Series? Impressive in a world event!
Rosskel said:
"I haven't seen this movie and i really don't intend to but i have talked to a lot of people about it enough to form my opinions ...Think for yourself people! If you want facts, do some research and don't just believe what everyone tells you."

All in one paragraph.

Sometimes it's just too easy.

Love from a British Liberal.

P.S - Isn't it amazing that the US always does so well in the World Series? Impressive in a world event!

Enjoy and play nice. Please read the rules of engagement
Time to dig up this old thread coz I have just finished watching the film. Of course I didn´t spend a nickel, I waited for a friend to burn me a CD! I get the feeling it must have been a bit manipulated but I was having fun and I certainly don´t regret spending my time watching it!
As Steve said, it probably would have not been possible to get away with that in lots of countries and states.
BTW I also saw Supersize Me. Pretty cool as well.
Michael Moore is nothing more that a big, fat, lying piece of shit with flies all around it. It's low life scumbags like him that are what's wrong with the politcal spectrum in America. Little minded folks listen to the shit that this fag spews and they beleive it! I hope Moore chokes on a hotdog in the bath tub!
I'm with you Crypto!!!

The sooner this fat sack of shit dies the better!!!

Oblivious Maximus said:
Michael Moore is nothing more that a big, fat, lying piece of shit with flies all around it. It's low life scumbags like him that are what's wrong with the politcal spectrum in America. Little minded folks listen to the shit that this fag spews and they beleive it! I hope Moore chokes on a hotdog in the bath tub!
Buzzard said:
You know, All things being equal there were some very good facts presented in this fools movie. Unfortunatley it's only from one perspective. I went to see Chronicles of Riddick but the movie broke. SO i was left with only one choice. All in all I see why the french like this movie. It makes President Bush look very decietful. But then again, the French LOVE Jerry Lewis.
This movie was kinda ridiculous. The points that were made about bush and Bin Laddens family were pointless. Bin Laddens family employ over 30,000 American workers. And the Saudi's owning %7 of our economy. an estimated
1.7 million Americans work for Saudi Owned Businesses. I got an Idea. Fire them for conspiring to make a living and feed their families. Mr. Moore doesn't mention that. But he made some very valid points. Believe it or not I am gonna recomend this movie to everyone. Only if the Chronicles of Riddick film is broken. :wave:

Billy, you really need to see Faren-HYPE 911. It's the rebuttal to Michael Moore's movie, and it's excellent. Dick Morris was behind it.
I saw this movie. First Off Bush comes off in this movie looking like a total gimp. Which I am assuredly convinced he is. He reaffirms this everytime he tries to speak off the cuff. It's confirmed when we see the footage of him just blinking like an idiot in that classroom when he is informed by his aides that planes have struck the WTC buildings.This numbnut continues reading this childrens story instead of excusing himself and running like the bitch he is to ask Dick Cheney what his next move should be.

On the flipside Michael Moore is a totally biased, attention whore and half the stuff in the movie if looked into deeper lacks real credibility and many things are exagerated. I am more of a visual guy. I saw Bush as indecisive in the clutch.

My man Ronny Reagan would have excused himself right there and then said something like "Well, I must go now children ,The President must go and push some Big Red buttons and kill the evil people"

But instead we get that footage of the Bushwacker's befuddled expression in that classroom. It's the same kind of dopey mug I Imagine Anthrax_Loser ponies up everytime his Step-Dad unleashes a Semen Tsunami all over his acne ridden face.

I am totally convinced Bush doesn't know his ass from a hole in the wall. But does it really matter ? It has nothing to do with fun so I don't sweat it much. It wasn't like their was anybody better than him was out there right?

Politicians all suck, they all got special interest groups agendas as priority. They don't care about some Momo from Long Island or some guy who was in S.O.D now living in Austin,Texas. It's the same everywhere, All politicians care about is the almighty dollar and how much of it they can cram up their bungholes as well as their corporate buddies and campaign contributors asses.

Best Regards,

Momo said:
Politicians all suck, they all got special interest groups agendas as priority. They don't care about some Momo from Long Island or some guy who was in S.O.D now living in Austin,Texas. It's the same everywhere, All politicians care about is the almighty dollar and how much of it they can cram up their bungholes as well as their corporate buddies and campaign contributors asses.

Best Regards,


No offense, but I think this attitude is a cop-out. It's the easy route for a person to take, and it's the most irresponsible. Sure, a lot of politicians are crooked. What you need to remember (or realize) is that you're a lucky son of a bitch to be living in the greatest country on the planet. Your freedom and your right to elect your own Government is something you shouldn't take lightly. You owe it to your forefathers and yourself to figure out where you stand on issues, find out where the politicians (at least CLAIM to) stand on them and vote for them. It might not be as much fun as listening to S.O.D., but it's important.

Personally, I think Michael Moore is a clever guy. He's also a socialist, America-hater who distorts the truth through film.