Rest in peace my friend.


Jun 4, 2003
Ann Arbor Michigan U.S.
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I got the call sunday morning....2:30 AM.....Damon died. I immediately looked at the picture of him and I when we were up north. But I did not really feel it untill 5 minutes ago whe I looked at his myspace profile.
Damon died of a heroin overdose. Damon and I were quite the same in that way....we loved heroin. He had been sober for over 2 years during which time we met on monday nights with a group of guys for 2 1/2 hours. Then he got high. Shortly after he stole someones purse and went back to prison for 9 months or so. He got out 3 weeks ago, went to rehab for a couple weeks as part of his parole. He started living with a friend of mine. Saturday afternoon he asked if he could borrow his Porsche to run errands.
Damon died in the parkinglot of a grocery store. He must have been asking himself why he was throwing his life away again. He mustve been scared as hell of losing his freedom again. His last moments must have been full of regret and fear...the guilt must have been eating him alive for his mother had finally gotten close to him again and she knew full on about his problem.

Many of us had distanced ourselves from Damon in his 3 weeks out of prison. We wanted him to make his own way. Any one of us would have dropped everything and ran to him if he told us he wanted to get high....but he didnt. He died alone and in fear.

Im sorry Damon....that I didnt make more of an effort to be around you and protect you as much as I could have.

The last thing I told Damon was that I loved him....and I meant it.

Goodnight my friend.
Truly tragic, RIP Damon.

On a related note, my younger brother had gotten into heroin earlier this year and it really messed him up. He's been clean after getting arrested and hopefully stays this way for the rest of his life.
I am saddened to hear this man. A friend of mine overdosed almost two years ago now. It's the worst feeling in the world to stomach. Hope you get through this ok.
My condolences Reece, very sad.

I've lost several close relatives (including my mother, to cancer, when I was 10), but never to drugs, never had close (or even remote) ones addicted to hard drugs either. So I have no clue as to what drug addicts feel and go through, but I'm pretty sure it's rough (I've seen Trainspotting and Christiane F...).
Sorry to hear that...RIP.

And that is what drugs do to you. Drugs are bad and you have to be extremely stupid/gullible to begin using them. Once you start, you cant stop.

Drugs are stupid and they don't fix anything.

And because of that I have lost sympathy for those killed by a drug overdose, its just far too many, far too stupid people.

I know some of you will probably feel differently towards my statement, but I do not mean for it to harm anyone.
I apologize but i can't seem to remember who he is...did he use the nickname sparrow or something?
And that is what drugs do to you. Drugs are bad and you have to be extremely stupid/gullible to begin using them. Once you start, you cant stop.

Drugs are stupid and they don't fix anything.

And because of that I have lost sympathy for those killed by a drug overdose, its just far too many, far too stupid people.

I know some of you will probably feel differently towards my statement, but I do not mean for it to harm anyone.
Still, maybe not quite the right time and place to state such an opinion.. Someone lost a friend in a tragic way, we all know using drugs is stupid.
I apologize but i can't seem to remember who he is...did he use the nickname sparrow or something?
It's just a friend of Reece's, not a poster on this forum. And no, it's not Sparrowsblood.
Sorry to hear that...RIP.

And that is what drugs do to you. Drugs are bad and you have to be extremely stupid/gullible to begin using them. Once you start, you cant stop.

Drugs are stupid and they don't fix anything.

And because of that I have lost sympathy for those killed by a drug overdose, its just far too many, far too stupid people.

I know some of you will probably feel differently towards my statement, but I do not mean for it to harm anyone.

fuck you for calling my friend stupid after he is dead, way to have respect for his family and friends.
Apparently you know nothing about addiction or alcoholism. You probably think people who are schizophrenic are stupid too...even people who have cancer. Look alcoholism up in the DSM IV "which is the text of all mental illness" its in is a recognised by the medical community just like cancer or anything else. Yet somehow alcoholics and addicts get treated way different than someone with cancer or diabetes. People think they are "weak willed" or "ignorant"....I tell you this...and it is the truth-----alcoholics and addicts have the strongest will of anyone on the earth----- How many people do you see work so hard to get something they want....willing to risk everything.....doing whatever it takes to get what they want regardless of the consequenses??---noone-- because they dont have a disease of perception "alcoholism/addiction"---Using drugs or drinking is not what alcoholism/addiction is about....the disease is that your mind tells you you have to have crave it....and then there is a physical craving "the popular A.A. terms for these are the mental obsession and phenomenon of craving" once these occur in someone with this disease there is no fighting it....every reason you have for not doing it goes out of your mind and all you can do is do it.
addiction/alcoholism is treatable but there is no is incurable. Like someone with diabetes there are ways to manage it.

your arrogance about this is astounding. Know something about a situation before you make some fucked up, backhanded comment about someone who just died as well as making a blanket statement about a serious percentage of the world at large who is addicted.

I work with the mentally ill and the addicts/alcoholics of my city. They are not all fucked up assholes who deserve to be slandered because they are ill.
THEY ARE ILL. Everyone has a heart, hopes, dreams, dissapointments, love etc etc etc. These people are not second class humans, they are people...just like you and everyone else---I fucking hate people who are so close minded as to say some shit like you said. Your the fucking ignorant one. The one with no compassion for other human beings, regardless of whether or not they fit into your category of what it means to be "worth caring about"

Do you really think addicts and alcoholics like drinking and using drugs? You think they like fucking their lives up over and over, hurting the people they love? No they dont....they die over and over inside because of that. Alcoholics and addicts know lonliness and despair, pain and hurt more than most people ever get a chance to know.

If you think Damon was thinking about how great he felt before he died then you are mistaken. That is tragedy....and I have become cold to tragedy...even the tragedy of a friend dying. On the other hand that does not make it ok to not feel bad about it. I am not sitting at home crying like a bitch about this. A friend died. I am a little him and myself. I am leaving to go see his mother and his body in 1/2 hour. I will tell her you think he was stupid/gullible, she will appreciate that.

Anyone willing to read this entire rant....kudos....but I felt it and it flowed.
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