Rest in Peace Ronnie James Dio - metal legend

Even an obituary in The Guardian newspaper this morning.....and rightly so.

I spent the whole evening yesterday digging out spinning some old Rainbow, Dio and Sabbath vinyl and a couple of DVD's as well.

I'm still in shock to be honest.......they just don't make rock stars and people like RJD anymore that's for sure.
GEEZER BUTLER On Passing Of RONNIE JAMES DIO - "I Have Never Seen So Many Tributes From So Many Musicians And Fans, So Many Good Wishes, No Cynicism, Just Pure Love And Appreciation For A Great Man"

Hot Flashes

Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 22:17:52 EST

Legendary BLACK SABBATH/HEAVEN & HELL bassist Geezer Butler has offered the following thoughts on the passing of his bandmate and "soul mate" RONNIE JAMES DIO (DIO, BLACK SABBATH, HEAVEN & HELL, RAINBOW, ELF) who lost his battle with stomach cancer on May 16th at 7:45 AM PST at the age of 67:

"It’s impossible to express in mere words the relationship Ronnie and I, Wendy and my wife Gloria had. He was much more than a friend, fellow musician, band mate. If I have a soul, then he is part of it. I truly believe God, fate, destiny, whatever it’s called, brought us together again in 2006, after not seeing each other for 14 years, to do one final tour, which turned into 3 major tours and an album. We were having a blast together, enjoying each other’s company more than we had ever done before, talking about maybe doing one more album, when fate intervened again. We were planning on doing a 2 or 3 part North American tour, after having toured South America and Europe in Spring /Summer 2009, but on the first leg of the North American tour, Tony’s hand ligaments were in a bad way, Vinny’s shoulder became dislocated, and Ronnie was having terrible stomach pains. We decided to cut the tour, get healthy, and carry on the following year. Tony and Vinny had successful procedures to fix their ailments, but Ronnie’s stomach pains were worsening. I saw him at the Dio Halloween party, but he wasn’t drinking, unusual for Ronnie who liked his tipple. He was telling me he had made an appointment with a specialist, to see what it was…..

Wednesday, May 12th

Wendy invited Gloria and I to lunch in Santa Barbara. A few close friends of Ronnie and Wendy, Omar, Simon, Paul, Tim, and Diana, had dropped by. Ronnie had no appetite whatsoever- the disease and the chemotherapy were taking an immense toll. As usual, we talked sports and had a laugh together- it would be the last time. That night, I had a beautiful email from him, that I will treasure forever. I sent him an email saying I’d see him during the following week.

Friday, May 14th

Wendy called to say she had taken Ronnie to hospital. The pain had become unbearable. We got to the hospital around 2 p.m. The doctor eventually sedated him. More and more friends were coming to visit- we took it in turns to hold Ronnie’s hand, and whisper our thoughts to him. Wendy wouldn’t leave his side- she stayed curled up on his bed the whole night. Gloria’s assistant, Debi, kept her company. I emailed Tony to prepare him for bad news.

Saturday, May 15th

There was no mistaking Ronnie’s room. There were around 25 to 30 friends outside his room. We knew the end was imminent. We all wanted to say our goodbyes. It was a day filled with tears and reflection. In the evening, the chaplain came, and we all gathered around Ronnie’s bed and prayed. Ronnie wasn’t going easily. At 11 p.m., most of us left, leaving Wendy her privacy to say her last farewell. The devastation was palpable.

Sunday, May 16th

7.46 a.m. As we were preparing to leave for the hospital, Gloria called Wendy to see if she wanted a coffee or any breakfast- she broke the sad news. Ronnie had just passed away.

Wendy Dio has been a true saint through all this. She has been with Ronnie every step of the way. Her courage has amazed us all. Even as I write, she is ensuring Ronnie has the finest send off possible. God bless you, Wendel.

Most people who were there for those last days chose to keep their thoughts private. I wanted to keep my thoughts private, too, but I’ve been overwhelmed by emails, and requests from the media and fans for comments.

I can truly say I’ve never known anyone to have such loyal, loving friends, fans, and family as Ronnie. He really was a special person, blessed with a unique voice and presence. He loved his fans - he would stay meeting and talking to them until the early hours of the morning. One of my fondest memories of him comes from last year, at the Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth. He noticed my sister and her husband at the side of the stage. During our opening song, he took the time to go over and hug them. Just a little thing like that made him special to me. Of course his music will live on forever, as will his influence. I have never seen so many tributes from so many musicians and fans, so many good wishes, no cynicism, just pure love and appreciation for a great man.

God bless you Ronald – thank you so much for the wonderful memories."
My Dear Friend Ronnie

17th May 2010

Yesterday 16th May my dear, dear friend Ronnie James Dio passed away at 7.45am LA time. I’ve been in total shock I just can’t believe he’s gone. Ronnie was one of the nicest people you could ever meet, we had some fantastic times together. Ronnie loved what he did, making music and performing on stage. He loved his fans so much. He was a kind man and would put himself out to help others. I can honestly say it’s truly been an honor to play at his side for all these years, his music will live on forever. Our thoughts are with Wendy Dio who stood by Ronnie until the end, he loved her very much. The man with the magic voice is a star amongst stars, a true professional. I’ll miss you so much my dear friend. RIP - Tony
Wow, that's some truly moving words from his band mates. Thanks for sharing it here, Steve. Goes to show that the man is worth all the praise that's been given him in this thread and on all the other places online.
And some words from Vinny too....

Hey Ron, I never thought the day would come so suddenly. Ronnie was everything to me. He was my best friend, he was my brother. I sat behind him on my drums each night and played, watching him sing, hearing his roaring voice thru my monitors. Every night he sent chills down my spine with his singing, inspiring me to push it further and play the best I can to the limit. I always knew how lucky I was to be in a band with him, but to become friends was even more special. When I met Ronnie I was a kid, 21 years old, eyes wide opened. He took me under his wing, he showed me the way, he was the greatest teacher and inspiration in my life and most of all, the greatest rock singer in the world! My heart is so broken. We are now in a world without him and I will miss him so much. I can only think of how fortunate I was to make music with him that was in his heart. Music that will remain to be listened to by all his fans all over the world, whom he adored and loved! Ronnie I love you man!! Vinny
From HammerFall:

Ronnie James Dio is dead. Tragic and sad, we all mourn the loss of one of heavy metals original legends, unbelievable voices and all-around nice guys. No one has anything but good things to say about this man, and for once, it's all true. HammerFall remembers Ronnie as the Man, as simple as that. Farewell, Ronnie James God.
Wow, reading these words from Geezer, Tony, and even Jens have almost made me misty. Steve's right, they really don't make rockers like Dio anymore, and haven't for a long time. It truly sucks that he's gone (Ozzy outlived Dio, how the hell does that work?), but at least he's not dealing with that kind of pain anymore. God bless Dio.
Some words from Simon Wright......

DIO drummer Simon Wright (AC/DC, UFO, RHINO BUCKET) has issued the following message paying tribute to vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO, who passed away on May 16th at the age of 67 after losing his battle with stomach cancer:

"I lost my best friend. He was like a father to me. I tried so hard to help him win his battle; I was right there with him. He said to me one day, 'We're a team and we're gonna beat this.'

I know he loved you all and was helped by your cards and prayers. I am having a very tough time writing this, and I want you all to know I feel lucky and blessed to have known him. Now, he has no more pain.

I miss him so much."
RONNIE JAMES DIO - Wendy Dio Asks For Donations To Stand Up And Shout Cancer Fund In Lieu Of Flowers

Wendy Dio, the wife/manager of late singer RONNIE JAMES DIO (DIO, BLACK SABBATH, HEAVEN & HELL, RAINBOW, ELF), has asked that in lieu of sending flowers, please make a donation to the Ronnie James Dio Stand Up And Shout Cancer Fund. You may send your check or money orders to the Niji Entertainment Group, 12400 Ventura Blvd. #624, Studio City, CA, 91604.

Says Wendy Dio: "From all of us at the Niji Entertainment Group, we thank you for your very generous support!"
Westboro baptist church are a disgrace, really. They picket at war veteran funerals as well. The positive thing is that there's more people supporting the anti-protests to the Westboro pickets than there are supporters of the church itself.

on another note: massive respect for your post/comment on Dio's passing Steve.
After reading the blabbermouth post, I truly feel sick to my stomach that anyone feels they have the right to judge others. I almost feel that if in my country, this is all religious zealots protest about, it should be made illegal to protest. To have a demonstration at a funeral, of all places, is beyond wrong. I am so angry that I cannot properly find the words that convey the outrage I have about this. Of all people to find fault with, why him? He had to have been the kindest, most honest, caring, passionate man out there. Long Live King Dio!