Resume Tips


Feb 4, 2002
Hey All,

Im re-doing my resume and I was wondering if anyone had any tips so its stands out from the rest??

Any tips are appreciated
Haupassia said:
Hey All,

Im re-doing my resume and I was wondering if anyone had any tips so its stands out from the rest??

Any tips are appreciated

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

Too much information, and it ends up "War and Peace", and no-one reads it. Too little, and it looks like a square of toilet paper, and gets treated as such.

The first two pages are critical, try to get who you are, and what you can do in the first two pages. Include pertinent work history, not every detail of every job that you've had.

Remember, those who read your resume to decide on the short list for interview, are in general not very smart, and have a limited attention span.

At your interview, try to be different enough to be remembered, but not different enough to be dissed.........................will depend heavily on your audience for the interview (Long hair, Jeans and a Leather Jacket earned me the name of "The Harley Rider" by one interview panel, cost a few points, but they knew my face and name.....don't try this at home, it was a little risky).

Anyway, best of luck
Don't stick a photo on it, and DO NOT EVER mention a love of horses or anything horse related.
What sort of job are you after? I've had some very good feedback on my resume recently, and you're welcome to have a look at it, but it's more directed at technical type jobs than your standard one.
If you do include a photo, make sure it's naked, and only from the waist down.

Hmmm I probably need some resume advice myself.....
It all depends, some people prefer short and to the point resumes with just the main points, while others will be impressed if you include ever detail about every job and qualification you have had. For example, putting down a crappy retail job you had while you were younger might not seem like a big deal, but it might be the only retail job you have had, and by putting it down you are showing experience in a whole different field etc.