Resurrection - Old School FL deathmetal revived

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
and i just finished mixing their new EP: click to hear

insert all the usual disclaimers regarding the crap quality of myspace's streaming flash player here.

some of you may remember their debut on Nuclear Blast back in '93, "Embalmed Existence"

Great stuff, James! I really dig those guitars. Overall, it's just plain fucking crushing.

Speaking of old-school death metal, I'm still begging Carcinogen to re-form and come lay down some stuff.... :)
guitar is 4 tracks of Marshall and two tracks of Bad Kat (sp?).... Bad Kat sounded not so hot on it's own and it's much lower in the mix... it helps to fill out the mids quite well though.
Update.... there's another song up from this Ritual Slaughter EP i mixed, on the band's own myspace... it's called "COWARD". go and check it out... add 'em.