Resurrection - Old School FL deathmetal revived

OK, I fucking replied here a while ago and just now realized it never showed up.

Really dig the mix and feel of the track. Tones kick ass as usual, particularly digging the snare. Really nailed the feel for the mix as well, which is a much harder than just getting good tones and cool drum samples. Requires a strong vision and a lot of foresight. You got a old school feel with a modern polish.

Oh yea, bands pretty cool too. :)

Can't think of a better person to work on stuff like this. James Murphy pretty much is old school FL Death Metal.
Mark Prator, a former long-time Morrisound engineer

He's a great drummer as well IIRC...
And from the comments of the people here it seems most of them think James did it all, not "just" mix and mastering... I suppose Mark deserves some kudos as well for engineering the album. ;)
Anyhow, glad to see the guys up and running again, "Embalmed Existance" is one of my fav Floridian DM albums!
He's a great drummer as well IIRC...
And from the comments of the people here it seems most of them think James did it all, not "just" mix and mastering... I suppose Mark deserves some kudos as well for engineering the album. ;)
Anyhow, glad to see the guys up and running again, "Embalmed Existance" is one of my fav Floridian DM albums!
James Murphy said:
Originally Posted by LSD-Studio
who tracked it?
did a good job as well....

Mark Prator, a former long-time Morrisound engineer whose gone solo with his own place, Red Room Recorders, in Tampa. Cool guy who's also worked with Obituary on their last two albums.