Retro Album of the Week

I pine for the olden days of yore

I think Gayo Dot's pretty exciting, f'shore

EDIT: that wasn't meant to be a rhyme, but CSOCRE
I knew you, or NAD, or Lizard, or someone :loco: was gonna mention them. I dunno though. Something more memorable than KD imho. Or maybe I just need to give them waaaay more attention. Who knows.
Hahaha, I love it how when me/NAD/lizard mention KD we are either called gay or someone feels compelled to finally "comprehend this album" :lol:
:kickass: excellent thread
ive had old fates songs stuck in my head all day
"no reflection at all" indeed
In a wink of an eye she descends from the sky
To the cauldron of the damned
In her burning lips he earned the infamous kiss
She took me by the hand
In a wink of an eye she ascended the sky
She unveiled my talisman
I'm the Witch Finder General!!!!!
Keep this bumped just because it is one of the best albums EVER FUCING RELEASED........EVVVVAAAARR!!!

Since NAD is such a douche, and usually shuns this stuff...but then again likes fucking megadeth???....he needs to peep this.....SERIOUSLY.

Fucking everybody who has never heard it needs to hear it. If you have heard it and just blew it off, you need to listen to it again.

Yeah, it's THAT good.