Reunion Bashers Interview

I just don't get the RBC thing. If the guys who were doing it had a vested interest in the band and were losing money from them then maybe I could see a justification. It really does puzzle me. Honestly, why bother????
Another thing is if they're so against it why would they check out a new album (if there was one) and why would they try to go to a show??? They're just hypocrites.
Shit, I want John back too, but i'm not acting like a child about it. I'm enjoying it for what it is.

What's worse?? Bitching about something that people feel passionate about, (Bush era Anthrax), or bitching about the people who are bitching about the band. Nobody from the RBC is bitching about the reunion here, it's all over there. You don't like it tough. If anyone is acting like kids it's all you dumbfucks that keep bringing it up, LET IT GO!!!!
Dredd74 said:
What's worse?? Bitching about something that people feel passionate about, (Bush era Anthrax), or bitching about the people who are bitching about the band. Nobody from the RBC is bitching about the reunion here, it's all over there. You don't like it tough. If anyone is acting like kids it's all you dumbfucks that keep bringing it up, LET IT GO!!!!
BIGPHAT442 said:
I think the interview sucked. They come off like kids who can't get what they want.
Reunion Bashers, Fuck Off.
Exactly. Fucking bunch of 30 yr old men bitching like 12 year olds who ran out of tokens at the arcade.
bush is far superior??? you're having a laugh aint you,how can you compare the two its impossible, i could get it if they had similar vocal styles but they are chalk and cheese. I think you should stop this "hes far superior" shit coz its got old & boring.
I feel for them, its like their world came down around them. But, I pose this question....

If the intenet as we know it was around in '86 or even '83, what would they say about Metallica, Black Sabbath and others that went through line-up changes?

This all can be kinda-sorta compared to a certain typle of car fanatics. They see a Chevelle (for example) and the owner sunk tens of thousands of dollars into it, blood sweat and tears (and divorce) and make it HIS car, the way he wants it, but its been turned into a low-rider. Even though its his car, its what he wanted to do with it, the so called "car fan" calls it crap and ugly and the owner should be dragged into the street and publicly beaten to death. Anthrax is still Anthrax with either or neither singing.

*stepping of soapbox now
well, Metallica was not faced with a choice, they were faced with finding a new guy or quiting. It's a little different when a member dies - but I do see your point.
BIGPHAT442 said:
Another thing is if they're so against it why would they check out a new album (if there was one) and why would they try to go to a show??? They're just hypocrites.
Shit, I want John back too, but i'm not acting like a child about it. I'm enjoying it for what it is.

What the fuck you're exactly enjoing? Blast from the past? "Another thing is if they're so against it why would they check out a new album (if there was one) and why would they try to go to a show???" What the fuck's happened to your brain?
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
I feel for them, its like their world came down around them. But, I pose this question....

If the intenet as we know it was around in '86 or even '83, what would they say about Metallica, Black Sabbath and others that went through line-up changes?

This all can be kinda-sorta compared to a certain typle of car fanatics. They see a Chevelle (for example) and the owner sunk tens of thousands of dollars into it, blood sweat and tears (and divorce) and make it HIS car, the way he wants it, but its been turned into a low-rider. Even though its his car, its what he wanted to do with it, the so called "car fan" calls it crap and ugly and the owner should be dragged into the street and publicly beaten to death. Anthrax is still Anthrax with either or neither singing.

*stepping of soapbox now
I really appreciate for feeling for me... I don't know what the internet would be as you know it ... but what the fuck is chevelle? and (whatever it is) why should anybody sink anything into anything, and if they did what the fuck does it have to do with the particular used to be major heavy metal band suddenly replaced their 13 yr singer with someone who was previously fired for drunkiness(Scott@VH1), who never contributed anything creatively(Scott@VH1). Where is the fucking logic of all this situation?!!! And who dares to call Scott a Jew after all? He's a schtettle goy...