Revalver MK III.5 ?

Goddamn Guitar, Dandelium, JaviPerrera, Behindert, Splat88, Dimitar (blackbird), and abyssofdreams have all gotten great tones out of Revalver many times.

But almost all of them have since bailed on it in favor of the Nick Crow/LePou (and now Onqel) offerings, and all of their tones have improved for it IMO! I have heard good stuff from Revalver, but I still think the free ones beat it!
I always wondered how they could dare to release MK III with that horrible gate and tuner (or am I the only one who thinks the tuner is garbage?). How can you NOT notice it. This "let's release something that's actually still beta-status to hold the dead line"-mentality of the software world is really preposterous.
TSE X30 beats the shit out of Revalver, it is easier to get a good heavy sound out of, with Revalver, you have to tweak the fuck out of it to get it sounding good! Its noise gate is the pits as well :D But if you put the time in, it does sound really good sometimes!
Well I think its a matter of taste. The free amp sims are getting closer, I think TSE X30 is great and the latests Lepou releases are excellent ( I do some betatesting for him ) , but I still prefer revalver and also agree with Loan that it has the best "feel";
IMHO nothing beats the real thing for sure, even axefx, but anyway, an update is always welcome! ;)
But Kyle is a really good player too, that makes a big diff.

I like MKIII a lot, the sound I mean. My only qualm was that I paid $200+ for software that wasn't ready to be released yet. And absolutely NO support from Peavey regarding the bugs since day 1 of it's release.

And yes, the gate and tuner are absolute garbage.
I hope they improve the sound of their IR loader for this release. Would be nice for Recabinet users to be able to do their entire sound as a preset inside Revalver. Right now, most people are using external IR loaders because the one in Revalver is so funky sounding.
Right now, most people are using external IR loaders because the one in Revalver is so funky sounding.

+1 Yeah I hope so. I use reaper and my workaround is to save the tracks as track templates ( if you use more than 1 IR ) if not you can save them as fxchains.

And thats true, Peavey's soft support sucks really really bad, that pisses me off a lot of times. :mad:
Gareth used MKIII on his Born of Osiris "Bow Down" cover.
Fucking slayed if you ask me
I'm a revalver user since the glorious days of MkII (where Michael ruled the whole thing). A lot of users of the board of Alienconnection expected that peavey will give wings to Revalver...but honestly: MkIII was an evolution, not a revolution.

And Peavey let all users down, there hasn't been support ever since, not even bugs have been fixed. Peavey? A big disappointment!

Just my 2 cent.
I always wanted Revalver MKIII.. I found it on a norwegian webshop (over a year ago), but the price was $450 .. I couldn't get myself to pay that amount of money on _digital_ guitaramps, even with a sallary $33/hour before tax on my day job.. I will continue on my freeware projects as long as I find it fun/interesting and I will try my best to make my plugins competitive against the big commercial ones.. I look forward to try the demo of the new revalver if they release one, I hope they have found a way to get rid of that "cold" digital-clipper fizz in their amps!