Revalver MKIII vs POD xt(with real drums)


No Care Ever
after hours of tweaking and adjusting, i have a difficult time judging decent guitar tone, so i need some fresh ears. It's simple, pick tone A or tone B
I'm not particularly happy with either of these tones, but i'd like to know what you think the better of the two is, as well as any tips for working in revalver.
I think my main problem is the guitar i'm using right now

ps. sorry about the sloppy guitars, im a drummer.
yup everyone is right. This was my first test with revalver, and i've been working with the pod for a few months, so i'm going to work on my revalver tone a bit longer and see where i can go with it(basically for the remainder of my month trial).
As a drummer, it's just hard for me to find a decent tone in the first place, and after messing with stuff for several hours, it ends up sounding harsh like tone test A. At the time, I was just trying to not sound "poddy" which i achieved, but after sleeping on it and listening with fresh ears, its just a generically crappy tone(but not poddy at least):puke:

Dandellium seems to get a pretty good revalver tone(to my ears at least). I downloaded and tried using his 6505+ and bassbox settings along with this impulse he uses, but it all sounded like crap for me. Basically everything i did was exactly the same as him, except for the fact that i have a crappy ibanez SA series with an EMG(not sure if 85 or 81) added to the bridge, and he has a $2000 Caparison Horus.

Edit. I noticed he quad tracks and does a little post eq'ing...i'll try that out and see if it improves at all

That is insane that you are on this forum, I have never noticed it.

This is Austin Anderson.

If you don't know the name, Im the guy from steak n shake after the mcmb in irons home show. Never could get the shake right.
im using dandelium presets for my latest project as well. But i added podfarm with it. Got a nice tone in the end. \m/