Another Revalver clip - plese give fedback

Nov 6, 2002
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Here is another clip, taking some advice by Brett into consideration. Let me know how it sounds to your ears, and if you have any tips:

Again, forgive the basic drums and riff - this is really just a tone test... I'm still trying to get the hang of revalver. I also used some Voxengo plugs for this sound, and some Channel EQ in Logic Pro.
Thanks for the advice guys, and for taking the time to listen :D

Yes you are right, I'm just after listening to it again today in work, and still sounds quite fizzy. Strange... last night I thought it sounded really good...

Tonight I will try and EQ each track separately with emphasis on the low end, 70-100hz, and also at 12kz again to see if that will help it.

Seems by trying to make the tracks clearer and more present/trebly, I gave them a lot more fizz!
Your actually not too far from the tone in those links. A bit more low end and hair more low mids. The tone in those links has a bit of that high end fizziness to it...I don't think the fizz is too bad, especially once the drums sound good and bass gets added.
Thanks again Brett...

Ok, I've downloaded the GuitarHack IRs and have had a little mess around with them. I actually should really create the sound from scratch with new amp setings and everything... but, working with the original amps, some new IRs (the Fredman ones are great!) and a little more EQ and some Vexengo, and taking your EQ advice, this is what I came up with:

This is much closer to what I wanted... let me know what you think .
Hi guys, just spotted this - I can tell you exactly how to get that guitar sound, if it helps! The guitars were Jackson V's and ESP Eclipse's with EMG 81s into a VAmp Pro with the following settings:

Modern Hi Gain
Gain: 2pm
Vol: 1.30pm
Bass: 10am
Mid: 11am
Treble: 2.30pm
Presence: 3pm

Digi EQ3 7-band settings on all the guitar tracks:

HiPass: 24db/oct, 99Hz
LoPass: 18db/oct, 10.3kHz
Peak: 4.9db, 81Hz, Q1
Dip: -3.1db, 1.05kHz, Q2.3
Dip: -8.1db, 3.05kHz, Q2.8

There was a lot of corrective EQ being applied there and we still weren't happy with the sound, but we were too far down the road to go back and redo them all, and we didn't do any DI's. We'll know the next time! :)

I find the key with revalver is to keep your chain as simple as possible.

BTE TSS in front, barely any drive, tone fairly high (7-9), level around 12 o'clock works well for me.

In revalver, boost the input gain.

then i use voxengo boogex to load whatever impulse im using
you cant really get better than catharsis' fredman impulses

then i high pass around 50hz, low pass at 10khz, shelf boost at 10khz to add back some shimmer without the harshness, surgical cut at 100hz, and a -2db (maybe -3db) cut at 900hz, fairly wide.
after that, if your tone isnt sounding good, you've got it dialled in badly.