Revenge of the Fallen


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Whoever gave that horrible script a go should be shot. And whoever allowed it to be fucking 2+ hours should have their fucking face removed with a vegetable peeler.

Easily one of the worst movies ever made. :erk:
Was someone expecting something other than what the film was? I mean seriously, it is Michael Bay. While I enjoy a lot of his movies, I also know what to expect.

It was the first movie on crack, bigger, more robots, more explosions, more Megan Fox.

The fight scene in the forest was pretty damn cool though, Megatron gutting Prime ruled.
I still don't see the big deal about The Dark Knight, aside from Heath Ledger who was the diamond in that portrayal of Joker ever, even better than Nicholson's.

Christian Bale is the most overrated and one-dimensional actor since Keanu Reeves...aside from American Psycho.
The Machinist ruled! Great film.

I have a tough time with the robots in transformers, from a visual standpoint. I can never seem to focus on them when they are standing still, let alone fighting. I don't know where one robot ends and the other starts most of the time.

Is it there is just too much detail and moving parts on the robots? I don't know.
Was someone expecting something other than what the film was? I mean seriously, it is Michael Bay. While I enjoy a lot of his movies, I also know what to expect.

It was the first movie on crack, bigger, more robots, more explosions, more Megan Fox.

The fight scene in the forest was pretty damn cool though, Megatron gutting Prime ruled.

The first movie wasn't horrible... it was amusing at least and wasn't a complete insult to both the viewer's intelligence and the art of film making itself.

Bad editing plagued this film... And the god damn camera work. Did Michael J Fox suddenly become a cinematographer? I couldn't focus on a god damn thing on the screen because it was constantly shaking.

3/4's of the scenes in the movies were completely unneeded as well. For instance

(spoilers) when the decepticons were "invading" earth, did we really need to keep skipping over to france to see the mother and father eating lunch? And they didn't just do it one fucking time, they did it like 5 god damn times. "Oh hey, look, a mime. (/spoilers)

I honestly can't believe that there is an editor working in the industry who took a look at this film in it's current state and said "yep, that's the edit we want!". I surely hope someone who worked on the post-production end of the movie spoke up to Bay and company and said "Hey... maybe we don't need an hour and a half of scenes that have nothing to do with the movie. Also, maybe we should cut down a bit on the introduction of characters who are never seen, and have absolutely no purpose in the movie. At least they didn't try to flesh these characters out. Could you imagine 10 more minutes of Mudflap and Skids? And the transitions between areas... in the matter of seconds we'd be going from a god damn industrial area into the middle of a forest, or from the middle of the desert to a small village road being chased by cops. And why the fuck did Megan Fox have to keep changing clothes? In the first 15 minutes of the movie she's litterally in 3 different sets of clothing. And she was only in 7 of those god damn minutes. AND SHE CHANGES CLOTHES IN ONE OF THE SCENES. Eye candy is cool and all, but have a little fucking tact.

And then the edit's in the action sequences. Extending the movie's already extreme length even more are the wonderfully cliche slow-motion sequences. 1 or 2 are reasonable, but every 15 seconds per action sequence...


Then we have the dialog. Right of the bat, with the mother whining about her kid going to college. What the fuck was that? And the pot brownies? Jesus christ... that was just. I felt the shame the writing staff for the movie must have felt watching that scene. I really did. I started apologizing to the person next to me on behalf of the writing staff.

And the fucking "jokes". DOGS FUCKING LOL! MEGAN FOX SAYS SHAFT LOL! DOGS FUCKING AGAIN LOL! my pals CAN'T READ LOL!(seriously, that's really one of the "jokes") A SMALL ROBOT HUMPING MEGAN FOXS LEG LOL! RELATIONSHIP PROBLEM DISCUSSION WHILE BEING CHASED BY DEADLY SHIT LOL! my pals HAVE BAD TEETH LOL! (I'm not fucking around, that's really another "joke").

I can only hope that this film shall be forgotten in time so that future generations may not judge us on it.
You're a fan of Ironside too?!?!?! I fuckin' love Michael Ironside...he's THE best villain in every single movie. Even when he isn't the villain and he's playing the protagonist, it's always some anti-hero.

Michael Ironside rules. There should be a thread specifically for him.
I think some of you might be reading into it just a bit to far.It was a movie based entirely on a kids saturday morning cartoon series, the original cartoon plot went something like this "good guys and bad guys are fighting cause they hate each other". What did you expect when you went into the theater?
What is the status of the Transformers at the beginning of the film?
The Autobots have joined the military to hunt down the Decepticons. We're told the Decepticons are "doing things," but they appear to be hiding peacefully when the Autobots show up and brutally murder them.

Yeah. The Decepticons aren't apparently doing anything, then the Autobots show up, the Decepticons run for their goddamn lives, and the Autobots hunt them down and brutally murder them. It's kind of weird.

Judging from the link Eric posted, it sounds precisely like the kind of movie that I would stand up in the middle of, throw my popcorn and coke at the screen, yell out obscenities at how utterly retarded it is, and storm out of the theater too pissed off to even ask for my money back.

It sounds like the Independence Day-type movies are making a comeback in the states. Yay.