reversesample for you


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I just created tons of reverse-samples cause I was searching for some special effect for the beginning of the song.

I though some of you might wanna have one (this is one I didn't use).

I know, most people on this board know how to make these themselves, but there are always some people looking for "that SWOOOSH"

I know how to make them but just curious if you use reverb and what kind do you prefer? this case it was a "warm hall"...but just because I was using it in the project anyway.

if there's no big-long reverb in the project already anyway I'll go with a cathedral or something.

in this case I automated some pitchshifting as well btw (going up)
I just created tons of reverse-samples cause I was searching for some special effect for the beginning of the song.

I though some of you might wanna have one (this is one I didn't use).

I know, most people on this board know how to make these themselves, but there are always some people looking for "that SWOOOSH"


Thanks, Lasse :) Is it the "Frei" one ? Like it, and I´ll use it.
reversed samples are really nice. A reversed cymbal for example is really good for making this reversed reverb effect.
Ha! I just did something similar 2 days ago!! But I was not happy so I pimped it with your Swooosh! Cool Swooosh!

I will post a snipplet of the song in a minute. I hope you are cool with me using your swoosh! :)
Here you go:


its some kind of metal/hardcore, just a low budget thing, I mixed it last saturday. Done very oldschool, no untrue reamping no soundreplacement... Exept a little help for the kick but the ballance is 2/3 mics 1/3 sample. The swooth from LSD is mixed with the swooth I did myself using a gated send of the snare into a plate verb which was smashed with magneto and a compressor. I made a mixdown of that FX track and reverted it, alligning it manualy.

Yea! Please post a snipplet of your mix containing a swoosh!