- Apr 16, 2020
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This is a posting for my blog, and this is the original URL https://palmmuteid.wordpress.com/2020/04/16/review-titaan-itima/, and please visit my blog if you want to see other topics.
I don’t know this band, and not just me. Even Encyclopaedia Metallum don’t know where is this band from. There is a person behind this Black Metal music project, he/she/it is called Lalartu. He/she/it is a vocalist of a Black Metal band Digir Digim. Do you know Digir Digim? If you don’t know, so do I. I wonder why are those band like a bunch of cloistered people, but it is up to them, and I don’t want to talk about it further. This time I will check the newest release of Titaan, it is called “ITIMA”. It released by Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum (a long name for a record label by the way) on April 16th. I am a big fan of Black Metal, so I hope that this would be a really good release, and I will give you my very objective opinion about this.
In the first track (actually this album has only one track), I mean in the beginning section of this album, I thought that this part is really suitable for horror movies. The distorted guitars of this album is very chaotic I can’t even hear what is the guitarist playing, but I think it is just a minor bar and something like chromatic mode. But there is a section where Titaan played an acoustic guitar and I think that is really good. The drumming is just like the majority of Black Metal Music, blast-beats. But somehow I really like the blast-beats of this album, it is very brutal and fast, I think the closest example is Moonblood’s, Judas Iscariot’s, or Mutiilation’s drumming. The thing that makes this album good is the choirs, the special effects, the Middle Eastern or Indian ethnic-like instruments playing, and the ritual-like spoken word. I tell you one more time that a even film producer doesn’t have to hire a movie scoring maker, just take a part of this album for an ethnic, ritual, or horror movie, it is just amazing. I don’t want to talk about the vocal, it is just a high-pitch shrieking with the effect of reverb, and it is very common in Black Metal. How about the artwork? The artwork has a black background, an ornament, and a blazing messed up winged-horse or something, whatever. I just don’t know what “ITIMA” means, so I could not relate the artwork with the album title, but I still can relate the artwork with the music. The ornament looks like the Middle Eastern ornament, and there is a crescent moon that is very related to Middle East or Pakistan or other South Asia country.
ITIMA… It is a 47 minutes long album with only one 47 minutes long song. Is it boring? I had to say this, Yes! It is boring! Why? Dug-dug-dug-dug (blast-beats), and RAAWWRAAWRRRAAWRRR (the vocal), and the minor bar chord with sometimes chromatic-like movement, and followed by an ethnic/ritual/horror music, and repeat. It is just like that. But still, I appreciate the presence of the movie scoring-like music in this album.
For me, it is just 69/100.

I don’t know this band, and not just me. Even Encyclopaedia Metallum don’t know where is this band from. There is a person behind this Black Metal music project, he/she/it is called Lalartu. He/she/it is a vocalist of a Black Metal band Digir Digim. Do you know Digir Digim? If you don’t know, so do I. I wonder why are those band like a bunch of cloistered people, but it is up to them, and I don’t want to talk about it further. This time I will check the newest release of Titaan, it is called “ITIMA”. It released by Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum (a long name for a record label by the way) on April 16th. I am a big fan of Black Metal, so I hope that this would be a really good release, and I will give you my very objective opinion about this.
In the first track (actually this album has only one track), I mean in the beginning section of this album, I thought that this part is really suitable for horror movies. The distorted guitars of this album is very chaotic I can’t even hear what is the guitarist playing, but I think it is just a minor bar and something like chromatic mode. But there is a section where Titaan played an acoustic guitar and I think that is really good. The drumming is just like the majority of Black Metal Music, blast-beats. But somehow I really like the blast-beats of this album, it is very brutal and fast, I think the closest example is Moonblood’s, Judas Iscariot’s, or Mutiilation’s drumming. The thing that makes this album good is the choirs, the special effects, the Middle Eastern or Indian ethnic-like instruments playing, and the ritual-like spoken word. I tell you one more time that a even film producer doesn’t have to hire a movie scoring maker, just take a part of this album for an ethnic, ritual, or horror movie, it is just amazing. I don’t want to talk about the vocal, it is just a high-pitch shrieking with the effect of reverb, and it is very common in Black Metal. How about the artwork? The artwork has a black background, an ornament, and a blazing messed up winged-horse or something, whatever. I just don’t know what “ITIMA” means, so I could not relate the artwork with the album title, but I still can relate the artwork with the music. The ornament looks like the Middle Eastern ornament, and there is a crescent moon that is very related to Middle East or Pakistan or other South Asia country.
ITIMA… It is a 47 minutes long album with only one 47 minutes long song. Is it boring? I had to say this, Yes! It is boring! Why? Dug-dug-dug-dug (blast-beats), and RAAWWRAAWRRRAAWRRR (the vocal), and the minor bar chord with sometimes chromatic-like movement, and followed by an ethnic/ritual/horror music, and repeat. It is just like that. But still, I appreciate the presence of the movie scoring-like music in this album.
For me, it is just 69/100.