Black Metal: A "Positive" Ethnic Tool?

The Hubster said:
Sidenote: I've had a long time to think about all of these issues during my 31 years of life. Trust me when I say that co-existence of Sikhism and Western life within the mind of a person is very possible. It's just that it's not easy, but certainly not unachievable.

Possible, if it's their sole goal. What if they simply want to have culture?

People look too much at "possible" without looking at probable which translates into demographic reality more than "possible."
Black Metal as escapism from racism and violence and religion?

I find this thread quite depressing. Depressing because it is true.

In an ideal world, i.e paradise*, music would be an acknowledgement of peace and harmony. But in this world music has to save us.

Only when one can be truly happy and feel truly strong, can one listen to music as peaceful leisure, instead of music being the strong arms of an intangible protector.

*Man, I can't believe I mentioned PARADISE. I hope no one reads into this too much. BHUNG!
Heh, that post of yours reminded me of a pocupine tree track called 'Muzak'. Take a look:

Hear the sound of music
Drifting in the aisles
Elevator prozac
Stretching on for miles

The music of the future
Will not entertain
It's only meant to repress
And neutralise your brain

Soul gets squeezed out
Edges get blunt
Gives what you want

Now the sound of music
Comes in silver pills
Engineered to suit you
Building cheaper thrills

The music of rebellion
Makes you wanna rage
But it's made by millionaires
Who are nearly twice your age

One of the wonders of the world is going down
It's going down I know
It's one of the blunders of the world that no-one cares
No-one cares enough
infoterror said:
Possible, if it's their sole goal. What if they simply want to have culture?

People look too much at "possible" without looking at probable which translates into demographic reality more than "possible."

Good point infoterror. A "global goal" in this context isnt one I could see as being able to confirm. There is definitely a cultural division with ethnics in the West "versus" their countries of origin.

(Generalisation here) I would say that the "exterior" ethnics, especially those of more recent generations, would aim for co-existence between two cultures.

The "interior" ethnics, that is, in their own countries, would aim for a more nationalist existence, ie, concentrating on "culture" in its purer form contextualised from their own ethnicity.

I think both serve ideally for the respective geographical purposes, but it does create division unfortunately between ethnics of the same culture.

Nitronium Blood said:
Black Metal as escapism from racism and violence and religion?

I find this thread quite depressing. Depressing because it is true.

In an ideal world, i.e paradise*, music would be an acknowledgement of peace and harmony. But in this world music has to save us.

Only when one can be truly happy and feel truly strong, can one listen to music as peaceful leisure, instead of music being the strong arms of an intangible protector.

I dont attempt to imply that Black Metal should serve as an escapism from violence and religion, rather, that it celebrates CULTURE (and to a lesser extent the ancient or pagan religions associated with that culture) in its own way of non-aggressive Nationalism.

Please note, I dont speak of National Socialist Black Metal or Hateful Black Metal here, I speak of more pagan lines, and I use pagan here to describe many cultures of older origins having ties with the land and the animals.

Why do you find the expressive purpose of this thread negative? I'm interested to know your viewpoint.
Simplify this. While this discussion shows the absolute intelligience of some on this board, the answers and theories are convaluted and vague. Music is the most universal of all arts, it can cut through anything. As to say, each individual has their own interpretation. Black metal, for me brings me back to a lost, but now retrieved memory. The music correlates to me something that I was a part of, albeit many centuries ago. Black metal is an often misunderstood genre, in that people need to look deeper into what is being conveyed. I would agree then, that ethnic origins are rooted in Black metal. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.