Review my songs, i'll review yours

"Eternal Mayham"

The song - started out a bit like black Sabbath's Iron Man at first.. The guitar work is a bit weak, sounds a bit like early classical metal. I swear it sounds like a early 70's underground metal band. Get the guitar sound more amplified or add a deeper sound to it. Not bad..

"Cap Of Fate"

Sounds almost like a Judas Priest song.. with an unusally odd sounding singer. Your vocals remind me a bit of Pantera's but a bit deeper. A bit too slow for my tastes. Might want to stay away from the metallica "ah" at the end of every other word too.

"Viva La Mayhem"

Once again, your vocals are too deep for the guitar work. The guitar is a bit upbeat and faster this time around plus louder. The chorus is bit hard on the ears.. not to be offensive.

All in all, I think you have a decent start. Work on your vocals a bit less Metallica (XD).. and maybe some louder or deeper guitar work. It sounds a bit dated...

Overall 6.5 Out of 10....

Keep it up, your doing better then alot of newer bands out there.

While I do have a band.. (They are not metal) I just enjoy giving out reviews.
You know what ? That's the kind of comments I want to hear. CONSTRUCTIVE FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Thanks a lot !!!

The odd sounding vocals may come from the fact that we are french speaking in the first place so... it may sound odd a bit !!

Actually I am quite happy that the band that you've named are bands that are will not be "out", because they've never been completely "in", understand ?

For the guitar, I know it should have been more amplified !! Man it's a Marshall sound !!! It NEEDS to be loud !!!

and I don't mind if your songs are not metal, is there a place where I can find them ?


Thanks again for the comments !!
Greetings, I like your thinking.

Eternal Mayhem - Parts actually remind me a little of the vocal style used by Rise Against. That's a good thing! It might be at risk of slipping into repetitiveness, in terms of the rhythm structures, but that might be the kind of approach you guys are after.

Cap Of Fate - I'll be honest - this one did a little less for me than Eternal Mayhem. I think there are elements of AC/DC in this one, strangely enough. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap! That's not to say that you have ripped it off, because it's obviously a very different song in many ways. Maybe it'll warm on me.

Viva La Mayhem - Probably the most 'punk sounding.' I like this track, actually. You guys should check out a band called Grimlock. His vocal style is similar in that he uses a lot of that very low-range, but still in key, singing.

Overall: maybe not my style, but keep at it guys.

My band's myspace is linked to in the following thread -

Please do any reviews that you might feel like penning in the thread linked above! Cheers.