review of DISARRAY!

I agree. I reviewed their last one and my GOD! Why aren't more people paying attention this band! Awesome guitar work, nearly anthem like songs. Too good....and alot of people are missing out! I hate that! I hate to miss out on great stuff, only to find it a few years too late.
I will attempt the cut and paste! Otherwise...

Here we go. I'm a long winded fucker, so if this is too huge, just yell at me. I won't post more reviews. :)

Eclipse Records

Finally! Something that rocks hard and consistently too. This disc has not one bad song--all are solid hitters and most nearly border on anthem songs. Lyrics first: pretty much accessible, especially if you're at or slightly below the poverty line. The perpetual struggles of an indie band, betrayal, all the nuances of being a regular person, and a struggling one at that. Don't be fooled--this isn't about self-pity. This is about strength and perseverance. Solid drumming that's consistent--but varies on each song, giving what's needed for that particular song. Drums feel like a great, loose, free-for all. Bass is pretty thumpy, and it fits this bands style. Guitars are ever so slightly down-tuned. Just enough to make a good riff or hook meatier. Just some added weight. Great guitar work--some of the guitar is simpler riffing, but deceptively so. Many memorable guitar riffs, done so well that you almost take it for granted. Solo's are present and vary in length and intensity--depends on what the song needs. Song arrangement is straight forward, nothing fancy--its straight forward metal. Some thrash elements in the ups and downs. Vocals are somewhat harsh, and I can't really think of anyone he sounds like ( Maybe Rob Zombie a little). I never felt you had to have giant pipes to be a great front man, this guy's voice is strong though. As in "I'll kick your ass" strong, lotsa attitude and confidence. Notably, this is a trio and they're a tight unit. Vocals and guitars by one person, then a bassist and a drummer. This is no bullshit music--what you see (hear) is what you get. No pretences, nothing fake. Straight shooters. But it's all very accessible--whether you like hard rock or metal, this has a place in your collection. They definitely sink their teeth into you and don't let go till after track 11 ends. Backing vocals are done by Oderus Urungus.

1) "Depths of Wreckage"--excellent anthem quality. Great guitar intro, fast number. Lyrically deals with being so poor you're PO. You can't even afford the OR. This one makes your head move!

2) "To this Day"--Drums start this song off with several rocker style jams throughout. Guitar solo's are present, although brief. Lyrically deals with who's left standing when someone else's 15 minutes of fame are up. Who? Many and apparently Disarray as well--perseverance is the message.

3) "Voice of Reason"--Great shouting chorus when the song stops for a few second. Again, this is a great song (assume that from here on out). Lyrically deals with the misconceptions others have of us and our lives. Still kills though"just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely. I've got as many friends as I've got knives in my back."

4) "Open Wounds (Self Inflict)"--Another anthem type song, will compel you to move! Lyrically deals with you being your own worst enemy.

5) "The Never Ending Quest for Revenge"--Scaling back and forth with the guitars--a thrash number. Middle section of the song builds slowly and painfully, all for maximum effect. Another excellent, anthem type song. Frenzied, although short, solo. Song winds down well.

6) "Path of no Regrets"--Rocker style for a few, then builds to the driving rhythm. Another great song--rocker style, metal laced.

7) "This world"--Groove and hooks galore! Forces and compels you to join in on this one. The tortured world of being an indie band..which I do not profess to understand. You get a pretty hard glimpse here.

8) "The Powers that be"--Another anthem song. "I will not submit myself to your world of greed." Ah, integrity. Great guitar work.

9) "I'll be Standing (Until the Death)"--Catchy chorus which is conveniently the title. Fast scaling and excellent guitar solo by Balsac the Jaws of Death. (Get the name do ya?)

10) "Burned Soul"--Only the possessed in the mind will get this one. Awesome intro that builds slowly and deliberately. Frenzied guitar solo, thrash style drumming. Builds, slows down, builds to the chorus. Nice ups and downs.

11) "Life is Gone"--Ah, the feelings of being insignificant in such a massive world. Absolutely smoking acoustical intro. At about the one minute mark the drums and bass join in, making their mark, but not over powering. All the while the guitar stays acoustical--with a solo!

Solid from start to finish. Sizing up to be at least in my top five for this year. Hard hitting, aggressive, enough anger to propel it without hurting the music, great musicians. Lyrics that speak to and for the common person--all the while inviting you to join in and hate the rich and those that get things handed to them easily. I feel the band approaches writing and playing music with abandon--welcome approach I might add. The music itself forces you to enjoy it--you have no choice. I have utmost and deep respect for this bands approach, attitude, integrity, and commitment. I will be playing this disc daily. For months and months.

* * * * ½

Vance Wright--Bass and backing vocals
Chuck Bonnett--Guitars and lead vocals
Dave Peridore--Drums

Produced by Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus)

"You're just another spoiled, fake, upper class ass wipe...."