Review of the new album(WCFYA)

New album is Great Alot better then Vol 8 and almost if not just as good as stump 442.

1. Intro - yep intro :)
2. What Doesn´t Die - Catchy tune , real standout imo.
3. Superhero - Another Standout
4. Refuse To Be Denied - Groovy song
5.Safe Home - typical softy :)
6.Anyplace But Here - Good song "Come on Come On!" :)
7.Nobody Knows Anything - one of my least fav's :(
8.Strap It On - Prob Best Track on album .. Riffy
9.Black Dahlia - prob fastest track though don't much care for it
10.Caddilac Rock Box - rock song , its ok but iffy
11.Taking The Music Back - Well nice catchy song, simple
12.Crash - ? sounds like a intro
13.Think About An End - Good song Typical but good
14.We´ve Come For You All - good , but typical anthrax riff :)

Overall a Excellent Album liek i said alot better than previous and i like the production on this one also. Keep it Brutal.
I have a questions

ages ago, before a reformat, i had winmx with a big list of servers, acquired via trippymx, and renamed a file.

anyone know of this, and where to get?

1. Intro - really cool building intro. Really sets the mood.
2. What Doesn't Die - you've all heard it.
3. Superhero - you've probably heard at least the live version. Really groove oriented, kickass song, really catchy and should be a single.
4. Refuse To Be Denied - You've probably heard it too. Great song.
5. Safe Home - You might have heard it. It's a heavy soft song if that makes sense.
6. Anyplace But Here - my favorite track. Very very killer. Great solo by Rob (or Charlie? Dunno, but I assume it's Rob)...
7. Nobody Knows Anything - Amazing song but too short. The drum breaks are fucking killer, and the song itself is really catchy. Love this song.
8. Strap It On - Great song, although it's not an oldschool song like it says in the lyrics. Very groove oriented and TOTALLY AWESOME solo by Dimebag Darrell. Pretty memorable.
9. Black Dahlia - Probably the heaviest song. Parts of the song have drumming that is so fast, the song is almost unintelligible. Charlie basically overdoes it, but it's still cool as hell LOL Those parts are....well, think Cupajoe. Except there's a whole song to go along with it (although it's under 3 mins.)
10. Cadillac Rock Box - Awesome tune. It is a lot like Riding Shotgun, but with a bluesy feel to it. Really catchy as well. Dime's solo is great on this too.
11. Taking The Music Back - Great tune..
12. Crash - it's just a pulsating bassline and John is whispering over it. under a minute long.
13. Think About An End - Still a highlight. I have listened to the 4 promo songs a lot recently, so I've had a tendancy to skip these songs until I am familar with the rest, but this song still stands out with the best of em. Awesome fucking tune! Love it!
14. We've Come For You All - Killer tune. Heavy, not overly fast. Kind of catchy, but I am only remembering when John yells "We've Come For You All!"...the rest isnt that memorable but I haven't heard this one as much as the others yet. Killer song though. Love the menacing sound of the beginning, John's voice is killer.

I think this could be their best record. I really love SOWN and Vol. 8 the most ,better than Stomp. I like this one a lot better than Stomp as well. I love Stomp, don't get me wrong, but it seems to lack something that the other 2 have. (well, other 3, now that i've heard WCFYA)....This record is amazing. I will be the first in the store on April 15th. I may also order the import, but I will definatly buy the US version as well, cuz I gotta support the US sales. One thing i've noticed about this record is that a lot of the guitar playing and certain things and guitar harmony parts on this album are very maidenish. I don't know if Rob was a big Maiden fan or not, but it sounds like it. It's fucking great!
The album is good.
Really groovy.
It's a lot like Stomp 442, but IMO, with a more rock edge than metal. Maybe finally Anthrax might get to the place higher in the media. Not something i do like much, but good for them cause they deserve it.

Just an observation: Those notes at the end of Strap It On... Don't they bring another band to your mind???
I am the only "anthrax freak" here I think that hasn't heard more than 3 songs of the new album. I've heard superhere, refuse and the one that they just recently posted online. That's it. I think I'm the only one here that is being patient and going the old school way of hearing an album for the first time. shit ok...............hold on a minute I'm typing this, my girlifriend is curious as to why I'm typing so much, because usually all I do is clicking, so I read to here what I typed before she interupted me and she goes "that's stupid, I download music all the time of bands I like before it comes out". AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it made me realize that I haven't even entered the 21st century. This must be the new way of being a "fan" of a band. I'm fucking lost in fucking 1994. ...........Fuck godamn.
FUCK GODAMN..........funny........

I am stuck in 1987, but thats because I chose to be there. I think Infernal Keith had the quote that I love......."I got to a point where my brain got full so I couldn't like any new music/bands" That happened to me around 1987. Good thing I got into Anthrax around 1985.

Alex, I feel as lost as you with all of these reviews of the new material and it pisses me off. NOBODY should have access to new ANTHRAX material before me. I have only heard live version of SuperHero, Refuse and What Doesn't Die......however, i am old school and will relish the moment I have the product that ANTHRAX wants me to have in my hands!!! I will go into a catatonic state for 8 hours much like I did when I heard the singer from my favorite band, Armored Saint - John Bush singing on my other favorite band's latest release - SOWN. That experience is worth the wait..........
I have heard all the tracks and I must say that the entire record is better than SOWN and is just as good as Among the Living! This to me is my second favorite Thrax' record with SOWN being my third now. Among is my all time favorite record because of the riffing in it, but I absolutaley hated Joey's vocals. This album is definately worth buying and I hope it puts Anthrax back on top with massive radio play and so on. My favorite tracks on this are Nobody Knows Anything, Cadillac Rock Box and What Doesn't Die. EVERYONE BETTER BUY THIS RECORD. I will be the first in line to pick it up when it comes out.
well i got all the cd and whta can i say well its a cool album and im going to buy it sorry but i dont like v8 and stomp, but this one is cool, but i am the only one that notice this , weel here we go just listen the song strap it on, and the first power chord from the clena guitar reminds me a lot toxicity from soad!!!!! just the note ok, tell me your opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got the puppy this morning and holy shit it's amazing

stomp is still my fav, but this is a close second.......

can't wait to get my hands on the real thing..