Review: Studio Devil Virtual Bass Amp


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
I just posted this to my site


In short, this plug fucking rocks.
$69, the bass tones I've only wished I could get with a real amp.

VST, RTAS, AU, Mac or PC

You want Rock or Metal bass tones, get this, end of discussion.
Wow..if I can get this to work in vista 64...........>???????????????? then I have a winner!!!!!!!!!
Can't say I like any of the tones in your clips, I think the Sansamp is the only thing I will ever REALLY like for bass, though I understand this is a plugin.

Edit: If you can get anywhere near this tone, then let me have the settings and I will count this thread as pure win (this was done with a Sansamp Bass Driver).

I must say that i prefer cobhc's clip too. Sorry.
@ cobhc: What settings did you use on the sansamp for this tone?
Can't say I love that tone in the Sansamp clip, very scooped, undefined lows, metallic, but I'll try to match it with VBA. Got the DI track?

I have a Sansamp PBDI and I've only ever been very unimpressed with how it sounds, either recorded or through an amp. Mine doesn't sound like yours though.

IK didn't want me to review Ampeg SVX because it's so old, the sent me Amplitube Fender instead which has 2 bass amps and a bunch of cabs in it.
I definitely prefer the Sansamp tone by a mile. None of those Studio Devil clips sound particularly great to me. I can get a pretty similar tone plugging into my Maxon OD808 and then into the stock bass plugin for Logic 8. Different strokes I suppose.

I don't have the DI, and it's not my Sansamp lol, it's The_Shred playing the bass and recording that track for me, most of the amp sims just sound like fizz to me, and no real nice grind to them, like the Sansamp has.
Can't say I love that tone in the Sansamp clip, very scooped, undefined lows, metallic, but I'll try to match it with VBA. Got the DI track?

That clip was literally a 10 second plug and play job, no seperate DI for the low end as I usually would. The Sansamp is scooped but duplicate the track and cut off the top and bottom + grit it up a bit more and it fits in perfectly.

This Studio Devil would no doubt be good for that too.

Also im swapping the pups out in my bass soon which is the culprit for the boomy/un-defined low end due to the damn active bass eq settings shafting the sansamps low end.
On bass I usually just use a SVT impulse (which restores the bottom end). To control the grit I use the TSS`drive and tone controls.
Of course I cant do ultra distortion but I only have to deal with mixing one band :D
So the guys that don't like my tonez Do like ones that sound nothing like a real bass through an amp. I go for things that sound balanced on all strings, not just first position on the low string.

Here's the included Crunchy Bass Preset, it's somewhat like a Sansamp tone.

I tried to get close to the sansamp tone with VBA and ended up with this.

Similar, but different bass, old strings, this is with the Bass and Treble EQ at full on the bass. The EQ on the sansamp has different center and Q values and cabinet models so I couldn't match it.
I definitely prefer the Sansamp tone by a mile. None of those Studio Devil clips sound particularly great to me. I can get a pretty similar tone plugging into my Maxon OD808 and then into the stock bass plugin for Logic 8. Different strokes I suppose.


exactly. I agree 100 %! logics bass plug in is great! I generally use my sansamp, nothing i have tried is any better for metal bass.

Similar, but different bass, old strings, this is with the Bass and Treble EQ at full on the bass. The EQ on the sansamp has different center and Q values and cabinet models so I couldn't match it.

sounds like the strings are playing a factor. but i would say that there seems to be some tube saturation happening , where as the sansamp sounds very metallic and gritty without sounding too saturated.
On bass I usually just use a SVT impulse (which restores the bottom end). To control the grit I use the TSS`drive and tone controls.
Of course I cant do ultra distortion but I only have to deal with mixing one band :D
Do you have a link to those impulses? Would love to try your method. :worship:
I own the SansAmp bass rack which sounds kinda cool on bass, but if you want to REALLY juice the harmonics of the bass, try the SansAmp Tri A.C. I use that for bass more often than the one that's meant for bass! The Tri A.C. is meant for guitar and has three programmable foot switches (a trip rec type sound, a marshall type sound, and a fender type sound), but if you gain stage it correctly and blend it with a clean tone, it can REALLY beef up your bass without eating up headroom.
i concur, this plug is fucking amazing! sometimes this works better, sometimes the Ampeg SVX works better, just depends on the source!
Would this or sansamp work well with spectrasonic trilogy? and also how do i get rid of the machine like effect on trilogy? in the preview it said that machine like efx is not presence.. will give fellatio for good advise.. as always.

Im just working with what i have :p i can alter the octave but that doesnt sound ideal