Review: Studio Devil Virtual Bass Amp

Thanks DaWolf..Guys, B.I.G. Is not one of my favorite plugs, but I have a new version of BIG coming this week(Hopefully). Just thought I'd mention it...BIG follows the development of DIG, And good news is DIG 2.5 is due for release this week. So shortly after Dig's release look for BIG to be next.

Here's a sneak peak at DIG 2.5 BIG will be almost identical

Thanks a lot for sharing.

I can't say I'm really loving the tones in any of the clips. I was hoping to be blown away a little given the enthusiasim. Goes to show again how subjective this whole affair is!

I'm not really the biggest Sansamp fan out there, but that clip I think beat out all of the Studio Devil ones without a doubt. It had a depth and dimensionality lacking from the digital emulation.

If any of you manage to pull the tone from 2:40 of Decapitated's 'Three Dimensional Defect' then my wallet and all its contents are yours!