
Auf der Lohnliste der Norweger LUNARIS stehen Musiker von Satyricon und Borknagar, sowie Spiral Architect. Das spricht zwar für das handwerkliche Niveau der Scheibe, ist aber noch lange keine Garantie für einen Klassiker. Achließlich wurde Bayern München trotz seines Megakaders letztes Jahr auch nicht Meister...
Erfreulicherweise klingt die CD jedoch tatsächlich toll: zeitgenössischer (Black-) Metal mit vielen progressiven bis avantgardistischen Elementen, schönen eingestreuten Melodien sowie einem kleinem Spritzer Industrial. Zudem wechseln "normale" Metal-Vocals mit Black Metal-Gekreische, und die manchmal eingestreuten, irrwitzigen Synthie-Samplers runden das Klangbild noch zusätzlich ab. Perfektes Beispiel dafür ist der Song "Growth Denied" - ein kleines Meisterwerk -, der das gesamte musikalische Kaleidoskop von LUNARIS beinhaltet. Dabei vergessen LUNARIS trotz so mancher Frickelei nicht, die Headbanger ab und an mit fetten Riffs und Grooves sowie einigen richtig stimmungsvollen Gitarrenharmonien zu bedienen. Wer heutzutage noch etwas Geduld für mehrere Durchläufe aufbringt, wird an diesem Kleinod aus Spielwitz und Musikalität seine helle Freude haben. Klasse!

Bruder Cle................... 8,5
WTF?????????? read this shit from Brave Words...!

LUNARIS ...the infinite (Elitist/Earache)
As a few of us have muttered over the last few years, futuristic black metal is really the new progressive rock if the inherent spirit of the term is given muse-worthy attention. Lunaris are a gathering of Borknagar, Spiral Architect and Satyricon people and the results are predictably predictable in terms of composite, macro effect, wildly unimaginable in terms of the 175 micro components. Like Arcturus, Rakoth, Ephel Duath, Limbonic Art or Alex Lifeson, Lunaris search almost too laboriously for sounds untried, as if accomplishing that feat must without question result in music. And I guess it does, if you are looking to be tickled in your art rock centres, or pushed to think, or prompted to suppose the theoretical limits of man's math-into-ear aspirations. I for one lament the thin, bass-less recording, the endless, pointless exercises in calculus rock, and above all, the powerless blast beats, which, with this poor mix, don't so much blast, as scratch. To say this has all been done before is a testimony to the genre's towering ambitions, not so much a dismissal of Lunaris' efforts. But yes, it has been done before, and its usefulness... man, I wonder how many people out there are gonna internalize all the stops and starts in this thing, and holler along live in beer-sloshing recognition to 'Growth Denied' or 'Mother Of Storms'.

6.0 Martin Popoff
I really really don't understand why people think Lunaris is so progressive and "out there". It's far less technical than say Emperor and bands like that. And comparing us with Spiral Architect, as a lot of reviewers have done, is just moronic... there is NO comparison. A song like Mother of Storms, as he mentions here, is about as simple as can be. There is a little twiddly bit in the middle, but apart from that, there is nothing odd or hard to understand about it at all. Obviously I can't be objective here, but I think a LOT of the "journalists" writing these negative reviews based on our "technicality" are paying a lot more attention to who is playing in the band than the music itself.
Originally posted by Lee_B
Luckily a different review made it to the printed version of Bravewords. It got 9/10 there, the same review that's on



really? because i'm courious what Brave Words gave EC. on digitalmetal is nice review, so i hope at BW is also good review :D
we'll see... our webmaster send to BW e-mail with question about EC review...