REVISIT - Nickelback COVER

I still find the guitar tone a bit shrill (same as last time), love the drums though :) And jeez, Habsburgs- there's proof on a plate a good vocal is like two thirds of a mix! I didnt realise there was an animals mogg about.
Thanks guys!
Well the guitars are Nick Crow 8505 with tons of EQ haha. It's a struggle because all the choruses are actually quad tracked with a different tone in the original (have a listen) so I tried to get a mid ground. Mostly I'm just proud of the drums and bass haha. I'd probably reamp the guitars for shits and giggles with my Blackface recto if I get a chance!

HABSBURGS: That's fucking awesome dude!!!!!! Thanks for doing that hahaha XD
Ey f*ck you, this sounds friggin awesome :D

Is there any possibility that we could get the raw tracks for mixing practice? I want to record some vocals to it also :D

Cheers man, really good!
@Derykus - would it be fair to say the bass is bland on the actual song?

@Bryan - honestly... Havin a drummer who hits like he's in the mob and the kit owes him money! Seriously :/
@Derykus - would it be fair to say the bass is bland on the actual song?

I hadn't actually heard the song in years - but that is what stuck out to me. I went and listened, and you're right, it is quite bland on the actual song. I would say that yours is missing just a little bit of clank and is a touch too round, but it's actually fairly close after comparing.
I hadn't actually heard the song in years - but that is what stuck out to me. I went and listened, and you're right, it is quite bland on the actual song. I would say that yours is missing just a little bit of clank and is a touch too round, but it's actually fairly close after comparing.

Cheers dude :) I feel the same, so I'm happy with that :)
Hmmm... Well we spent about 45 minutes micing the snare and it's just 2 x sm57's. There's some surgical EQ on it, compression, saturation sim (yep), limiter... Umm, and yeah, like 20% sample of some samples I have at like -4db in trigger (it was mostly for a better room sample)

I've also recorded a nickelback cover last week, check it out.
I sweat my ass off mixing it and didn't get satisfied. :mad:

btw, fantastic tone!
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I've also recorded a nickelback cover last week, check it out.
I sweat my ass off mixing it and didn't get satisfied. :mad:

btw, fantastic tone!

:Smug: your guitars................are fucked up.
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