REVISIT - Nickelback COVER

Guitars are definitely odd, but overall I like it :) The key to Nickelback styled stuff IMO is incorporating the lows/ low mids properly and outboard compression. There's no way I can get this to sound anywhere near as good with plugins :\
The bass sounds a little muddy, and the guitars a little too bright. Other than that, fucking amazing. The drums are devastating.
Hey guys!... Seeing as you ask so nicely :P I'll get a multi for this going for you when I have a chance ok? :) Most likely tomorrow or the next day!

@AllanD, thanks dude! Quite happy with how it all came out really :)

1 thing I'll mention though... we got screwed for inputs... so Toms 1 +2, and 3+4 are on single Channels! That's the only issue!