Revisiting "Of Sculptured Ivy...."


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
My thread on ranking the ND full-lengths made me realize that since it came out, I have spun Pale Haunt more than the other albums.

The other day I loaded OSIASF onto my MP3 player.

Man, this is one KILLER album!!! I recall it being great but it seemed to click with me more than ever.

A couple things I wanted to note about this album that I am curious to get your guy's feedback on:
- The song FOREVER WITH UNOPEN EYE - Anyone notice the strong SABBATH influence on this? Both vocally and musically, Ozzy era Sabbath quickly comes to mind. Probably the most traditional doom sounding track on the album.

- Secondly, playing this through my MP3 player, I realize that this album could benefit from remastering. Not that the recording is bad or anything, just that the levels seem very low when compared to other MP3 tracks. Has there ever been any consideration of a re-mastered re-release of this album?
"- Secondly, playing this through my MP3 player, I realize that this album could benefit from remastering. Not that the recording is bad or anything, just that the levels seem very low when compared to other MP3 tracks. Has there ever been any consideration of a re-mastered re-release of this album?"

This album could benefit from remixing, remastering, and more lol I think it sounds good for what it is but yes, it doesn't have the same clarity that our other cds had. Of course some will probably say that it adds to the charm and yknow that just comes down to personal taste really.

There's been talk of possibly re-releasing it, but the legal red tape would have to be settled first and foremost, and I'm not sure how likely it is that it'd happen. But maybe someday...
Novembers Paul said:
I wish we still had the masters to remix this disc, but they are gone. Remastering is a possibility. I'd even like to do what Testament did with "First Strike Still Deadly" and re-record a few songs from the old CD's for a release.

Paul - that is seriously a great idea.
Rerecording songs sounds like a hell of a great idea! Maybe "reinterpreting" them?

As for remixing and remastering: I'm not really a fan of this. Rereleasing is ok for items that are out of print. But don't mess with the sound as so many bands do. And please, for gods sake, DON'T put any additional live/unreleased stuff on a rereleased disc! As a second disc, ok, but not on the same disc!

On the side note, I really like Of Sculptured Ivy as it is...
I like the way it sounds too.
Though with a lot of older discs, you notice how much technology has played when you run them through an MP3 player.

Take non-remastered Black Sabbath or the early Saint Vitus albums on CD for example. I have to crank the MP3 player all the way up to make the songs semi-audible.
Yes, you are right there. On older discs (especially stuff that was originally recorded before the CD-era) the levels are a lot lower.

Isn't there a way to rip to MP3 and get the levels normalized or something?
Vargen666 said:
Yes, you are right there. On older discs (especially stuff that was originally recorded before the CD-era) the levels are a lot lower.

Isn't there a way to rip to MP3 and get the levels normalized or something?

Maybe, though I am not so skilled!!
sknight said:
I love that album. Found it by chance last year, new, at my local record store. Decided i can't go wrong.

Wow, that is a find, esp new.
I was only able to find it on
Definitely not an album you see new very often.

Has there ever been any discussion of THE END re-releasing Amid, OSIASF, or the Knowing? (Not sure if any of those are considered officially to be OUT OF PRINT)