Revisiting Old Metallica

I did like Ride The Lightning, Master Of Puppets, etc. as a first glimpse into metal, but now they disgust me and I wont even listen to the old albums now on the principle of the matter over what Metallica stands for now (greed, shitty nu-metal, huge egos, ridiculous law suits).

any respect i once had for them as a band flew out the window a long time ago, and after all the hype surrounding St. Anger and how this was going to be the best Metallica album yet, and it was so awful!!!! theyre just a complete joke.
If Metallica, for some reason didn't exist I'd get into metal with, say - Iron Maiden or Manowar (though Joey's band disgusts me now). I was already listening to Led Zeppelin, it was only a matter of time.

Don't give them too much credit just because they're dead. :cool:
I think the first 2 albums were great early band albums. The first album shreds and paved the way for thrash music in America. Ride the Lightning has some awesome songs as well. Master was a good album (in my opinion) but I lost respect for Metallica when they put out Justice. How the band could have so little respect for their new bass player as to keep him completely out of the mix is beyond me. I heard Nusted say in an interview that the hazing he got from the other members was awful. He only endured it because he liked the music and thought it was a great situation for him (which it turned out to be). I give him credit for walking away from it! :)

Anyway, the first 3 albums should be all any Metallica fan knows.
What's most hillarious is how in recent interviews the band, mostly James, is professing how they all got in a group hug and how Lars and he got counseling to talk about their feelings towards eachother... and how James is now able to show his 'vulnerable side' oh goooooddd!!! :yell: :loco: :ill: :ill: :puke:
Jesus it's been a long time, I thought the forum was down with the site, durrr.
Anyways back in August I saw Metallica at the big Reading festival here in the UK, 70,000 packed out the big field and not a single one was sober and waiting patiently through shit like Sum 41, however System of a Down were awesome.

When they came on they crowd suddenly burst into life and those opening acoustic chords of Battery made me realise there was a heaven and I was in it. They completely rocked the place, although the crowd were much more responsive to older stuff, surprise surprise. Albeit I was slightly intoxicated due to my participation in certain ~cough~ substances I can honestly say Metallica still have the raw energy they had 20 years ago and they made for the best night of my young life so far, fucking a.

If you ever get the chance to see Metallica, sell your fucking soul to go, I'm going back for more in December, can't wait.

Oh well Dimmu Borgir next Sunday is a nice warm-up for.............................
Symphony X, October 18th - THERE IS A FUCKING GOD - I'll send ya Polaroid

Do they sell SX shirts at the gigs?
Alexander TG said:
No man this is my first, I hope to get a few autographs, do the band usually stick around for a chat with the fans?
You're in for quite the show, my friend. :D

From what I've heard, they do generally stick around but I didn't get to see 'em.
look! :Smug: :ill:

JAMES, LARS and.............. RICKY????!!!!!!!!! :ill:


Definitively they are a joke!
I used to be Metallica's biggest fan, but I don't like them (that much) anymore. Well, about their older stuff, I like Ride the Lightning a lot and Justice is my favourite album. Their music is (or was...) good. Since they made their last album St Anger, I don't like them anymore. :erk: I saw them in June and they were awesome, but besides that, they can't think of any good music anymore..
I used to love metallica a lot as well until I found power metal and progressive. Now metallica means nothing to me. Their is just so much more music that I would prefer to listen too.
shred faster said:
I used to love metallica a lot as well until I found power metal and progressive. Now metallica means nothing to me. Their is just so much more music that I would prefer to listen too.
I'm in the same way...

but,,, I have to assume, sometimes my last Metallica album, MASTER OF PUPPETS, rocks my stereo... I think that this happens 'cause MASTER OF PUPPETS was my first metal album...

but... however, Metallica still a joke!
So we all agree that metallica helped get us into real metal in some way and they still have some good stuff, but they are a joke band and other stuff is infinately better? Does that about sum it up?
theodyssey said:

Someone at work said i looked like one of the hansons because i have long hair. I just about killed her :D
Ugh, that used to happen to me and my brother all the time. But now we've both got goatees. Now they call him Jesus... and me Silent Bob. :Smug: