Revolution Renaissance

I found RR to be pretty catchy as well, fairly catchy riff, nice, big chorus... sounds very startovarius-like. The rest, other than LNOE and Heroes, I had no interest in, in one ear and out the other to be honest.
I'll agree that this album wasn't as good as i was expecting. There are a few decent songs like those you mentioned but it is very generic 'Power Metal' and Timo tends to stick with one repetitive riff the whole way through a song :rolleyes:. I do like most of the songs but there is only 2 or 3 standout tracks.
Glorious and Divine is the worst song on the album IMO even though Tobias sings it the lyris are just god awful - i have to skip it almost every time.
I'm hoping that with a stable lineup (admittedly i'm not sure about the singer Tolkki chose...) RR's next album will be killer. Though saying that, the record company decided not to pick up RR for another album so they'll be shopping the album elsewhere it seems.
If Tolkki would change things up every now and stop creating boring, tired-ass riffs and generic power metal songs maybe he'd get somewhere

also it would help if he didn't repeat the riff of a song 20,000 times at both the beginning and end of the song
It's been getting a bit of flack this album. I'm pretty sure that's just people's hangups about the politics coming through because among all the cries of "generic", "repetitive" and "dull" there's a solid album here. Yeah it's nothing new or special, but it has it's fair share of catchy and enjoyable songs in my view. The tracks seem to lack substance though, like they're half complete or rushed. I keep finding the songs fading out just as I'm getting in to them!

Oh, F_i_P, if you think Tobias singing the daft lyrics on Glorious and Divine is bad, try Lavatory Love Machine on for size! :lol:
The album just doesn't stand out in any way. If it's nothing new or special, and the tracks lack substance, surely that makes them "generic" and "dull"? I could care less about Strato's politics, as I've never been a HUGE fan of the band. I listened to this album from a completely neutral perspective and honestly think it's middle-of-the-road power metal that totally lacks any punch.

I think the next RR album will be far better than this effort.
I didnt say they werent dull or generic, just thought that in and among those comments there was a solid effort lying underneath the barrage of shit being flung between both camps! But you're right about the lacking punch. On a second listening to the whole album, songs that will get listened to again for me are: Heroes, Last Night on Earth and Revolution Renaissance
I picked the same three. Everything else on the album seems like filler or just doesn't work, in my opinion. It definately feels like a rushed album, I think Tolkki will spend more time on the next one, hopefully with a clearer head.
Anyone heard his latest stunt?

"I am also happy to tell that there will be one more STRATOVARIUS album sometime late next year. This will be a 'get-together' album with old friends Tuomo Lassila on drums, Antti Ikonen on keyboards and me on vocals and guitars. There are 12 months in a year and this will be the last and 12th STRATOVARIUS album that will close the whole saga with dignity and respect. The way it is supposed to be. "

Frickin idiot.
WTF?!! has he lost his mind. didn't he just waive all rights to the Strato name and back catologue???? and you can't have a closing Strato album when the rest are still going to continue.
What the hell is he playing at?????:erk:
I don't know but wait! There's more!

On the contrary to some rumors, Like Publishing will release my book. The person who has spread rumors about the book is Pauliina Tuomola, who was supposed to write this book, but after I discovered together with the Publisher what she has written about me in a public web forum, we came to a conclusion that she is certainly not the right person to write the book with that amount of hostility. I was totally unaware of her writings until somebody tipped me.I talked with the CEO of Like Publishing Päivi Isosaari yesterday and we had a good understanding about the book. She had received a "threatening" email from "Stratovarius" management regarding the book. There is a reason for this email. Although the book will not contain much of Stratovarius, it will include some highlights, stories and also the truth what really happened in between the years 2004-2005 in Stratovarius with MissK, the public stage pissing of Jens Johansson, stabbing and more. All backed by evidence of course. I believe it will be interesting reading for many.

Seriously. What the hell is he playing at?
Tolkki has no crediblity at all left... I don't see how anybody can ever take him seriously.