RHAPSODY cancels tour, replaced by RHAPSODY


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I am not happy about this:

Rhapsody Of Fire Bows Out Of North American Tour, Luca Turilli's Rhapsody To Replace
2012 at 12:42 PM by CROMCarl. (1 Comment)

Rhapsody Of Fire announced that the band has backed out it's first ever North American Tour. However, the tour will proceed as planned with Luca Turilli's Rhapsody filling the void. In a statement released by Rhapsody of Fire keyboardist Alex Staropoli, the band cited Tom Hess' lack of time to prepare along with the overwhelming momentum after Luca Turilli's announcement of Alessandro Conti as new vocalist.

The statement reads: "We simply did not have enough time to prepare properly to give our fans the show they truly deserve. Luca [Turilli] said he would be able to fill in and he is more than a worthy replacement. He is on quite a roll since announcing the new album and vocalist."

Luca Turilli commented: "I jumped right on this momentous opportunity, something we were unable to do before the split. Alessandro is more than ready and we can't wait to unleash this great band upon North America." Turilli added jokingly: "We didn't even have to change the posters! I wonder if anyone will notice the difference?"
I used to have a pretty effective one about Hanson turning into a death metal band. This was back around 2001-2002. I thought it was pretty stupid, but people fell for it...even when I concluded my post by actually typing "April Fools"!
I'm glad the version that's coming here is the Fabio version. Of course, I'd rather see the whole original band, but if I had to choose, I'd choose the voice. If Luca's version comes here next year or something, I'd like to see it, but if it were Luca outside of the original Rhapsody I'd be wishing I could see him play actually LT solo songs instead.