Rhapsody of Fire: "From Chaos To Eternity"


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
from Nuclear Blast:



2011-03-16 10:00 - RHAPSODY OF FIRE are proud to announce to the world, that the mix of “FROM CHAOS TO ETERNITY” is now at the end and that the new album will be released by Nuclear Blast on Junem, 17th, 2011.

“It is the end of an era. This historical release will end the Rhapsody’s sagas once for all after 15 years of fantasy oriented lyrics and for the last time we’ll hear Sir Christopher Lee narrating in one of our albums the last dramatic events of a legendary tale started in 1997 and told through 2 different sagas and 10 full length albums. We are surely very sad but we also know that for this same reason the upcoming release will remain in the history of the band for its artistic importance and unique epic!” RHAPSODY OF FIRE

It has also arrived the moment to present the new album cover, realized once again by Felipe Machado Franco, and the new tracklist.

Enjoy and wait for further exclusive news soon.

Rhapsody Of Fire "From Chaos To Eternity"

I. Lo Spirito Della Foresta
II. Realm Of Sacred Waterfalls
III. Thanor’s Awakening
IV. Northern Skies Enflamed
V. The Splendour Of Angels’ Glory (A Final Revelation)

High-res cover image: http://www.nuclearblast.de/de/data/...s/rhapsody.of.fire.from.chaos.to.eternity.jpg
Yea, last one. Maybe they'll just do some new fantasy thing after, or not make story albums anymore - just typical power metal. The last album didn't bash you over the head with the story as much as previous albums - same with Triumph or Agony.
they have the coolest albums covers ever! i haven't really followed the story, maybe i'll read all their lyrics sometime. i certainly want this album! XD

I follow the story - I could give you a rundown sometime :lol:
According to the front page of Rhapsody's website, the final track is 19 minutes. Dang!
You know, I don't think The Odyssey is that great. The final movement is awesome, that champion of Ithaca bit, but eh. Octavarium however... oh yes.
You know, I don't think The Odyssey is that great. The final movement is awesome, that champion of Ithaca bit, but eh. Octavarium however... oh yes.

Surprisingly (or not), I feel the exact opposite. I only really enjoy the ending bit of Octavarium, the long tribute section and then the climax.

Sure, Champion of Ithaca is the best part of Odyssey, but how can you not like the rest of it? Especially the first three minutes or so?
Those 2 songs that you guys talk about has parts right? like, it's 1 song but has that crap called Acts...well, I may be wrong, I'm not really into that crap. :)

there is an album by Rhapsody that has 7 "acts" and it interested me why they divide that shit into acts instead of just making it one long song.
Surprisingly (or not), I feel the exact opposite. I only really enjoy the ending bit of Octavarium, the long tribute section and then the climax.

Sure, Champion of Ithaca is the best part of Odyssey, but how can you not like the rest of it? Especially the first three minutes or so?

Don't get me wrong, it's good, but... it just doesn't grip me. There is some awesome composition and structure going on throughout the song, especially about... 10 minutes in or something? There's some awesome riffing Romeo does and I think it's during the part where they're encountering the beasts on the cliffs, Scylla or whatever. It just doesn't grip me as much as other epics I've heard though.

But I'm also not a massive SX fan.
Okay, thread necro bump!

I recently read an interview with Fabio (the link escapes me... I found it on the official Rhapsody forum) in which he explicitly states this is the end of "fantasy metal" for Rhapsody... which could either mean it's the end of fantasy concepts (since this album does end the Dark Secret saga), or they're moving in a completely different direction and writing metal more along the lines of Gamma Ray and all that, with relatively normal lyrics.

I also read an interview with Luca saying that he cried listening to Christopher Lee speaking at the end of the final track on the album! God bless Luca, he's put a decade and a half into writing these fantasy stories, he has to feel so accomplished!

Pre-ordering this album right now...
Cheers for the link in the other thread Mr Johnson. I have to say I was liking what I was hearing and didn't perceive anything of an unimpressive, less orchestral or progressive bent :confused: To hear of them abandoning the fantasy based metal is disappointing but I suppose there's always Luca Turilli/Dreamquest...
Well, whenever I think of Rhapsody I always think of a good combination of horns, strings, and guitars, and I didn't hear much of that from the samples. What made me think slightly more progressive (by Rhapsody standards) was the tone of the guitar (it reminds me more of that prog metal lead guitar sound) and the occasional odd time signature to switch things up. However, I hate to admit it, but I've already heard the album... I've had it pre-ordered for a few days - not that it makes the downloading any more acceptable - but there's so much suspense built around this album for me for so many reasons I had to check it out.

EDIT: I had a post written up explaining my thoughts on a few things of the album, but I won't post them just in case anybody wants to keep all the information a secret. I will say though, I cannot wait to have this album in my hands so I can read the booklet. I'm one of the few fans that follows the story and even though I have a general idea of what happens I'm very excited to read what Luca has in store for the end of this fantasy tale!