RIAA ran out of 'US' ISRC codes


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Anyone else registered for ISRC codes recently? I just confirmed my registration today, and my country code is QM - apparently they've run out of US codes!

Kind of surprised it lasted this long, to be honest!
wow, thats interesting. I deal with and assign ISRCs weekly where I work. Ours start with U8. luckily, there is 36 the 12 power variations to go through so I feel like there is a large amount of time until we entirely run out
Get this. I was just told by some clients of mine that the 'lady' who handles the ISRC code dish-outs here (as in, the WHOLE country) is sick, so they have to delay a week to get their codes.

One person handling ISRC codes... for the entire nation. Wut? Are they kidding me?
Get this. I was just told by some clients of mine that the 'lady' who handles the ISRC code dish-outs here (as in, the WHOLE country) is sick, so they have to delay a week to get their codes.

One person handling ISRC codes... for the entire nation. Wut? Are they kidding me?

Must be a pretty boring yet stressful job.



From what I understand, running out of codes for an entire country is not possible. The only way running out of codes would be possible is if an organization registered their 99,999 recording within one year. That does seem possible that a large record label that deal with many genres could run out, like warner or Atlantic, but that would be just that organization that has the problem.
No, there are specific user codes. Format is: US - A## - YR - 00000

US = country code, United States in this case.
A## = registrant code; who's assigning the ISRC codes. In this case, me, or a record company (this is what they ran out of. Letter + 2 numbers = finite number of registrant codes.
YR = 2 digit year
00000 = song number, starting at 00001
oh they ran out of registrant codes. They should have been very selective on who they let have those or made that code longer, because that is only 2475 (if I did my math right) codes per country.
QM is the new country code for US as of 2011, I remember reading something about it..

Also, as far as I know the registrant codes can be any combination of 3 numbers and/or letters ie. BMG for BMG Music (PX9, etc. etc.)..
