ProTools 7.4.2 Authorization Code Issues


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
So let's start this off by saying I'm apparently a moron. I was running ProTools 7.4 LE and stumbled upon a little glitch and figured: "Well I should upgrade to 7.4.2 - its free after all." So I download and install the upgrade and everything is working great - then I get to the authorization code screen.

"No biggie," I think to myself - I whip out the old getting started manual for my MBox, flip inside the cover and look at my authorization code. Well problem is I've got authorization codes in there for 6.8.1 and 7.0 but not 7.4.x. I don't remember exactly when I upgraded from 7.0 to 7.4, but at some point I must have and had the authorization code for 7.4.

"Ah ha!" says I to myself, I'll go on DigiDesigns website and they should have all my authorization codes stored on their Avid site. So I log myself all into the Avid site, click "Lost LE Authorization Code" and see that it only has the authorization codes for 7.0, 7.1.x and 7.3.x - but no 7.4.x which is what I need.

Has anyone else run into any issues like this? I'm currently now not able to run ProTools and I don't have the original install CD with me (I think I left it back in Pennsylvania when I moved) and can't find any 7.3 downloads that are instals from scratch. Any advice? I'm gonna have to get in touch with DigiDesign tomorrow but I was just wondering if anyone else had ever run into an issue like this.